On the third Sunday in June, it is customary to celebrate the day of the health worker. On this day, you can congratulate all those who are directly related to medicine: doctors, nurses, orderlies, pharmacists and other representatives of this type of activity. If there are such people among your relatives, you can arrange a holiday for them.

Step 1
You can prepare a wall newspaper in advance. It can reflect general congratulations from all friends and colleagues and wishes from specific individuals. Use Photoshop (or any photo editor like Paint. Net) and create funny photos by attaching a relative's face to the body of a superhero, villain, etc. Naturally, it would be appropriate to add jokes and jokes about the medical staff.
Step 2
You can run a game program. For example, who will give the dummy more injections in a certain time, the game is "Cities", but instead of the cities themselves, say the names of diseases. You can also use syringe darts and have a marksmanship competition. Instead of concentric circles, use a drawing with a person, draw out how many points are due for hitting one or another part of the body. Today there is a large selection of souvenirs: pens and flash drives in the form of syringes, comic sets, tablets "For happiness", "From the blues", etc.
Step 3
You can arrange an improvisational theater. Distribute roles to guests, among whom may be colleagues, give time to rehearsal and evaluate their acting talent. The following series can be taken as a basis: "House Doctor", "Interns", "Bones", "Ambulance", "Clinic". Naturally, the story should be humorous and not hurt anyone's feelings. Fairy tale characters can also congratulate health workers, however, before congratulating them, they can complain about their health, and the team must help them by making a diagnosis.
Step 4
If there is a possibility - you need to get out into nature, besides, the summer period is quite conducive to this. The competition program can also be held outside the home walls.