The traditional donation process can be turned into a real show. And even if your gift is not very expensive, the pleasant moment of delivery will be remembered for a long time. The main thing is that the person has a good mood. How to give gifts and what to present in order to become an honored guest at the holiday.

Step 1
Open the door in style and bring an armful of flowers in front of you! Not just three orphan carnations, but a full-fledged lush bouquet of 55 roses or 77 tulips. The more bizarre the composition, the better the moment of giving a gift will be remembered.
Step 2
Always wrap your gift in gift paper and decorate with the largest bow ever. Even if this is a culinary encyclopedia or a new raspberry lampshade that looks presentable in themselves, transparent beautiful wrapping paper will help to emphasize the value of the gift and the care of the recipient.

Step 3
A postcard is a visiting card of a donor on a holiday. It must be attached to the gift. Let it last only a day (and then fly with the wrapping paper into the basket), but filled with sincere words and good wishes, the card will best tell you about your attitude to the holiday. Do not forget to compose the most sincere congratulations and sign it with your own hand.
Step 4
You need to give the thing that you really want to keep for yourself. Then the gift will be truly from the heart. Remember your childhood, when your mother bought a huge set of markers for your friend, and you refused to go to his birthday party because it was too pity to part with such an enviable gift. Adult recipients have exactly the same perception of reality. You will come with a stupid trifle, next time they will close the door in front of your nose.
Step 5
A win-win version of the good old classics: ladies love perfume and chocolate, gentlemen prefer expensive whiskey and style attributes. What gifts to give - yes, only the most expensive!

Step 6
Why not ask what awaits the birthday boy? It is much more pleasant to unfold the wrapper and find the expected brand new smartphone under it than a useless outdated electronic reader. Pragmatism must outweigh originality. An exception may be very expensive surprise gifts: a car, an apartment, a cruise, etc.
Step 7
Funny gifts are for careful donors. Not everyone will appreciate the rubber droppings and the popping clown. Yes, and everyone has a different sense of humor. When choosing which gift to give, be guided by the situation, because a joke gift should be appropriate.
Step 8
Underwear, animals and intimate toys are given only to the closest and beloved people who are well known, with whom they live under the same roof and sleep in the same bed. For all other friends, these gift options are unacceptable.
Step 9
Money is the most desirable and versatile gift for people of all ages, all walks of life, all genders and races. A postcard and an envelope are a great reason to come to a holiday with your head held high.