Almost every couple dreams of an unforgettable wedding, one that the newlyweds will remember for the rest of their lives and will remember with warmth and tenderness for many years. But everyone has different tastes, and for some, only the format of a huge noisy party with a bunch of guests, contests and dances is acceptable, others prefer a quiet family evening with sincere congratulations from the closest people. The bride and groom, who prefer to do without a toastmaster at a banquet, should certainly think over an approximate plan of the event in advance so that no guest feels deprived of their attention and does not get bored.

Where to start preparing for the wedding?
First of all, you should think about the musical accompaniment of the feast, guests should not sit in silence and hear the ringing of forks and cymbals. Choose beautiful background music that you like, but also take into account the preferences of those you invite. A great option would be to invite a DJ or a music group, because someone has to manage the music. In addition, you can agree with these people so that from time to time they pass the floor to the guests, while the musicians have a rest.
With a small number of guests, it will be appropriate to meet them at the very beginning of the holiday, so that later they feel more relaxed.
Don't let your guests get bored
Ask witnesses or friends to help you organize the contests. Pick up something harmless that suits your guests and prepare small gifts for the winners. Another mini gift idea is giving them in response to congratulations to you. Such gifts can be not only banal key rings, flashlights and similar trifles, but also such original things as a magnet with your photos, postcards, chocolate with good wishes on a wrapper, bonbonnieres with sweets to match the color of wedding decorations. They look aesthetically pleasing and will reflect your personality.
Returning to the contests, remember that if you have the desire and opportunity, you can persuade friends to take one of them in turn, so that everyone has the opportunity to participate and win a prize. For a youth company, mobile contests are needed with a hint of competition; for older guests, you can come up with contests that do not require leaving the table.
Don't forget dancing! Intersperse slow songs with catchy melodies, separating dance music of any rhythm with light songs that will serve as a background during your meal. The beautiful tradition of the first dance of the newlyweds can become the flower of the evening if you prepare for it in advance by putting on and learning the dance to your favorite song.
Try to draw up a detailed plan with possible deviations from it in advance so that nothing can upset you during the celebration.