The wedding celebration should be remembered for a lifetime not only by the bride and groom, but also by all guests. Therefore, it is important to draw up a wedding script in advance so that the invitees not only drink and eat, but also have fun.

A wedding is a costly event, especially if the bride and groom have big requests. Increasingly, they began to invite the host-master, as well as a DJ, to such celebrations. The cost of the services provided is quite high. But on the other hand, there is one less problem for the spouses, there is no need to puzzle over how the guests would not get bored during the buffet table.
Save your family budget
To save the family budget, you can do without the toastmaster altogether. You should take the reins into your own hands and organize your wedding "party". For this, it is important to recall the experience of previous weddings, for sure either the bride or the groom have previously attended such an event. The toastmaster plays the role of a "traffic controller", it is he who decides when the guests should speak with words of congratulations, when to start eating delicious salads, when to dance and participate in competitions.
Among the relatives, you can probably find a sociable person who does not hesitate to speak in public and will agree to slightly control the course of the celebration. He should give the floor to the guests so that they congratulate the young and give them wedding gifts. Between this, you can insert jokes and jokes about family life, anecdotes about mother-in-law and mother-in-law. You can start drinking contests: collect money for the unborn child in sliders, organize the redemption of the bride's shoes, arrange an auction and put up a wedding cake as a lot.
It is necessary to organize the evening so that during this time the relatives from the side of the bride and groom have time to get to know each other. After all, many of them see each other for the first time.
Creative gift from friends and relatives
In advance, the friends of the bride and groom can be asked to prepare a creative number. It can be a video about the newlyweds, a reworked song according to a given theme, a scene or a parody of the newlyweds. Such a gift from friends will be appreciated by all guests. By the way, they can also be involved in funny scenes.
If one of the relatives sings or plays a musical instrument perfectly, then this could be one of the numbers of the evening program. The dance of the young to the sounds of live music is very touching and romantic.
Amusing dress-up contests are well received by the guests. Both the bride and groom and guests can participate in them.
Dancing until you drop
It must be remembered that guests should not sit too much at the table. Because laziness wakes up in a person when he overeats. From time to time, all guests should be invited to the dance floor so that they have fun to the rhythms of incendiary music. You can replace fast dances with slow compositions so that guests do not get tired immediately.