How To Make A Fairy Tale Wreath For The New Year

How To Make A Fairy Tale Wreath For The New Year
How To Make A Fairy Tale Wreath For The New Year

Children are waiting with trepidation for the holiday, and New Year's evenings are so long. Invite them to create a Christmas miracle - a holiday wreath for the front door. Invite a holiday into your home by hanging a fairy wreath on the door. He will not pass by the efforts of little wizards and will drop in to you with friends, gifts, goodies and a whirlwind of festive commotion.

New Year's fairy-tale wreath
New Year's fairy-tale wreath

cardboard, colored threads, cones, paint, glue, scissors, decoration materials (beads, sparkles), mitten, synthetic winterizer, tennis ball.

1. Cut out a blank for a wreath from thick cardboard. We take multi-colored balls of thread and wrap the blank so that the cardboard is not visible. The ends of the threads can be tied from the wrong side.

2. The base of the wreath is ready, now we fantasize and create a fairy tale. We paint small cones with spray paint and decorate them with beads. We glue elegant cones on a wreath - this is a fabulous forest.

3. Cut out the blank of the hut from the cardboard, glue straws and synthetic winterizer on it (the synthetic winterizer can be replaced with cotton wool, and the straw can be replaced with any material that imitates wood). Draw a beautiful winter window on cardboard and glue it on a straw. We attach the hut to the wreath.

4. We make a fabulous man out of children's mittens. We fill it with padding polyester or cotton wool, tie the top of the mitten with a braid - it turned out to be a torso. We take a tennis ball, draw a funny face. We sew a hat from a piece of fur or synthetic winterizer, glue it to the ball - this is the head. We glue the body and head. We decorate the little man with beads and attach to the wreath.

decorations can be supplemented with snowflakes, spruce branches. A fabulous man can be given a snowflake, a Christmas tree or a gift in his hand.
