17 is the age when you can afford a little recklessness. Ahead is coming of age, student life and first job. I want to celebrate my 17th birthday in a special way, to enter a new life with a positive.

At the age of 17, I no longer want to sit at the table with relatives, listen to wishes of health and parting words to behave well. I want fun, break with friends, bright emotions. But fantasy sometimes fails, and it can be very difficult to come up with something interesting.
Unless the budget is limited
If you are lucky and you are not limited in funds, you can rent a cottage outside the city for the whole company. A festive feast, fiery dances, games and competitions - all under one roof. You can hire a professional leader, or you can ask parents to help with the organization. The advantage of this option is that you do not need to think about how to get home late at night. Just stay there, and in the morning you remember and share your impressions. In order not to leave the city, you can rent a bowling alley, cafe or sauna, it all depends on your preferences.
Do you want something unusual? Throw a party at the water park. The holiday will turn out to be bright and cheerful, and there will be enough impressions until the next birthday. So that no one gets hurt in the process, do not take too much alcohol.
An option for lovers is to celebrate their birthday in a romantic setting alone with a loved one. It could be a cafe or even a spa. Do you want adrenaline? Arrange a race in a go-kart club.
If the budget is tight
If you have very few funds, but you want to have fun in a big company, ask your friends to pay for yourself in the same cafe instead of gifts.
Birthday in the summer is simply a sin not to celebrate in nature. Buy everything for the festive barbecue, and let everyone bring drinks for themselves.
Put on the most beautiful outfit, buy a lot of balloons and go for a walk around the city with your friends. Don't forget to bring your camera and arrange a photo session.
Will your friends and acquaintances support any creative idea? Organize a flash mob in the city center. You can do anything - dance, sing, freeze in place. And at the end, unfold a large congratulation poster or release balloons into the sky.
Some people need to do something nice for others to be happy. Have a day of good deeds and, with a smile on your face, do 17 pleasant things for your family, friends and even bystanders. In response, you will surely hear a lot of thanks, praise and compliments, which will definitely improve your mood.
It happens that plans are thwarted, or what you have planned does not work out, and in the end you still stay with your parents at home. Dont be upset! A birthday with your family can also be fun, the main thing is the right attitude.