Where Is The Best Place To Celebrate The New Year - In A Restaurant Or At Home

Where Is The Best Place To Celebrate The New Year - In A Restaurant Or At Home
Where Is The Best Place To Celebrate The New Year - In A Restaurant Or At Home

New Year is the main holiday of the year. And to meet him, of course, you want to have fun. Some celebrate this holiday at home, others visit friends. Celebrating the New Year, of course, and in restaurants. So which method can be called the most successful? Where is it better to celebrate the New Year - with family and friends or in a restaurant?

Where is the best place to celebrate the New Year
Where is the best place to celebrate the New Year

To celebrate the New Year in a fun way, you just need to be well prepared for it in advance. This holiday can be successful both at home or at a party, and in a restaurant. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

New Year at home or away: pros and cons

Celebrating the coming year in the circle of close people for our country has been an invariable tradition for several decades. About 60% of the Russian population celebrates this holiday in this way. The advantages of celebrating the New Year at home are:

  • cozy warm atmosphere;
  • homemade delicious food;
  • the ability to call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden;
  • the possibility of easy communication.

And of course, an unconditional plus of celebrating the New Year at home is a noticeable cost savings.

The disadvantages of this method of meeting this holiday are:

  • tiresome New Year's shopping for groceries;
  • the need for self-preparation of a large number of complex dishes;
  • laborious cleaning after the celebration.

Also, for some people, celebrating the New Year at home or with loved ones can be simply boring.

Where to celebrate the New Year: restaurants

The main advantage of celebrating the New Year in a restaurant is, of course, the absence of the need for long cooking before the celebration, as well as laborious cleaning after it. In this case, no one will have to serve at the table either. Waiters will do this work for the celebrants. Also, the restaurant is considered the best answer to the question of where to celebrate the New Year, those citizens who like to meet new interesting people.

The disadvantages of celebrating in a restaurant are:

  • the need for preliminary planning (finding a good establishment, ordering and paying for convenient places);
  • inability to take children with you;
  • unfamiliar surroundings;
  • the risk of a not too high-quality menu.

Large costs are, of course, also a serious disadvantage of celebrating the New Year in this way. In addition to visiting the restaurant itself, in this case you will also have to pay for a taxi, wear the most expensive outfits, etc.

Another obstacle to celebrating the New Year in a restaurant can be simply the lack of a decent establishment at the point of residence. For residents of more or less large cities, such a problem, of course, cannot arise. But residents of settlements, regional centers, and even more so villages, may not have the opportunity to visit a worthy institution. The idea of celebrating the New Year in some cheap, cramped, noisy cafe or public dining room will hardly seem too successful to anyone.

So where is the best place to celebrate the New Year?

Thus, both of these methods have their pros and cons. The specific choice of the venue for the New Year may depend only on the personal preferences of the celebrants themselves, their financial capabilities, or this particular situation.

For example, a restaurant can be just an ideal choice if a person has no one to celebrate the New Year with. Also, in this way, wealthy citizens often celebrate this holiday.

In all other cases, people still usually prefer to meet the coming year at home. Of course, you can celebrate the New Year in a restaurant with family or friends. But more often than not, they do this just to simply try something new. From year to year, not too rich people, who have many relatives and friends, usually do not visit restaurants on this holiday.
