One of the decoration elements of the festive table is beautifully folded cotton napkins. Many ways have already been invented how to do this. But when the time for the holiday comes and the guests are waiting for something special, the hosts face a difficult task - to arrange the table in an original way and fold the napkins so that it does not resemble an everyday dinner, for example, in the shape of a lily.

It is necessary
cotton napkin 45x45
Step 1
Bleach and starch the napkins. Then iron them. In order for the napkins to keep their shape well, they should be moistened before ironing.
Step 2
Take a large square napkin and fold it diagonally. You should now have an even triangle. Fold the left and right corners of the triangle towards the top to form a square.
Step 3
Bend the lower corner opposite the top to which the corners were bent up. You should have a double triangle if you did everything right. Bend the corner of the upper triangle to the opposite side so that it touches the edge of the napkin. Make sure that the vertical seams on the napkin line up. Bend the side corners of the triangle inward and slip the left corner between the layers of the right corner napkins.
Step 4
Pick up the napkin. Bend the two free corners at the top of the "former" triangle towards you and stick a small tip between the layers of napkins. The fold should remain rounded. Separate the layers of the top of the napkin a little - this will give it extra volume and complexity. The napkin is ready. You have a French lily.
Step 5
If you don't have time to do "artistic folding" of napkins, then buy beautiful holders for them in advance. You can simply twist the fabric into a tube and thread it through the holder ring. This will also look spectacular.