In order for the autumn traditional ball to be especially successful, its script should be carefully thought out. How will the celebration begin, what kind of music will accompany it, how the hall will be decorated and in what outfits those present should be.

Step 1
Autumn balls are held both in kindergartens, schools and universities, and in other institutions where such cultural traditions are loved and honored. Accordingly, in what place the holiday is held, such should be created and decorations for it.
Step 2
Decorate the kindergarten ball with yellow, red tree leaves, which can be pinned with pins, thin needles, paper clips to the curtains, walls of the room where the celebration will take place. Hang up colorful balloons that kids love. It is advisable to select all decorations for the holiday to match the autumn colors - orange, gold, red, yellow, light brown. It will be elegant if you make a panel of children's drawings by the pupils of the garden, applications on the theme of autumn. Such a panel can be hung on one of the walls of the ballroom.
Step 3
Schoolchildren are very fond of autumn balls. Advise schoolgirls to dress up in ballroom dresses from the 17th and 18th centuries, when such balls were especially revered. Young people should, if possible, be dressed in tailcoats, frock coats, military uniforms. That is, also according to the ballroom fashion of the past centuries. Music at the festival is only classical. Before the ball, it is advisable to hold training master classes for schoolchildren on the art of dancing figure waltz, polonaise, mazurka and other classical types of dance.
Step 4
There can be many scenarios for an autumn ball. Invite a host for the ball from your party agency. For the script that he proposes, you will need to decorate the ball. You may need a wall newspaper about the holiday, how it will be held and what rules for entering it exist. Choose the queen of the fall ball, dress up in a long flowing dress in bright colors and a wreath of yellow leaves and rowan fruits on her head.
Step 5
Autumn balls are decorated with bunches of mountain ash, viburnum, paper garlands, bouquets of dried bright flowers, balloons of various shapes and a composition of them. You can use firecrackers, bright confetti, sparkles during the holiday. Hang electric garlands made in the form of flowers in the room. On stage, arrange a rain curtain of thin glittering tinsel. The color palette for holiday decorations should be autumnal.