Every year the couple celebrate their next "wedding" celebration. Each of them has its own symbolism that characterizes the strength of family ties and determines the choice of a gift. For the third wedding anniversary, this symbol is leather.

The third marriage anniversary ends with a leather wedding. The symbol of this celebration informs about the quality of family relations. Leather is a fairly durable material, but malleable, and with proper effort it can be easily torn. Therefore, the strength of family ties during this period is considered not too stable: nevertheless, not so much time has passed since the day of the wedding.
This celebration is a kind of borderline in the financial situation of most families. As a rule, by this time all the most necessary things, including furniture and technical equipment of the interior, have already been purchased. Life settled down, and developed their own habits and traditions. It is believed that if the family managed to withstand this difficult three-year period, then it has every chance of further development and strengthening of relations.
What is traditionally given for a leather wedding?
The very symbol of the event - leather, gives a direct hint of which products should be preferred. It is optimal if they are completely made of this material. But tradition does not require such a careful adherence to it. It is quite enough that the present contains this or that leather detail. If it is decided in advance what to give to the spouses, and this product is made, for example, of plastic, you can decorate the package with a flower cut from pieces of leather or glue a small bow made of this material to it.
For a leather wedding, wallets and purses, diaries, custom-made document covers, on which the owner's initials are fixed by gold embossing, are traditionally presented. An excellent and simple gift - high-quality genuine leather gloves. When buying a present, one should not forget that any wedding celebration is a "pair" event, so both spouses need to be given a gift.
How to surprise the spouses at the "third wedding"?
The selection of presents for this celebration is much wider than it might seem at first glance. For example, you can buy a "smart" planter made by the German company "Lechuza", decorate it with an applique made from pieces of leather and plant an indoor flower in it. This stylish gift will not only decorate your home, but will also allow you to devote very little time to caring for the plant: within 12 weeks, the pots are able to distribute the amount of moisture the plant needs, as it is equipped with an automatic watering system.
Friends can make a kind of scroll out of thick leather, reminiscent of ancient papyri. The edges of the canvas can be trimmed with beautiful braid, and a congratulatory text can be written directly on it. You can be sure that such a "postcard" will be repeatedly re-read by spouses and carefully kept by them for many decades.