The ninth wedding anniversary is called faience. Earthenware is usually used to make dishes. This material is a symbol of consistency. At the same time, it is very fragile, one awkward movement, and everything will break into small pieces.

The nineth anniversary of the wedding is a reason to sum up the first results. The couple experienced early family crises and the birth of children. The first anniversary is ahead.
The symbol of the ninth wedding anniversary is faience. This material is used to make dishes that are very beautiful in appearance, but at the same time very fragile. So is family life during this period: it is beautiful in its constancy, but at the same time it is still fragile.
The second name of a faience wedding is chamomile. This flower is a symbol of love, since ancient times people used to guess by it: "Loves - does not love."
Traditions of the ninth wedding anniversary
On the earthenware anniversary, it is customary to break dishes. This symbolizes the renewal of relationships and reminds that a broken cup cannot be glued together. From a psychological point of view, this rite is useful in that it allows you to throw out the feelings that have accumulated over the years. By breaking the dishes, you get rid of the negativity of grievances and unspoken claims and enter the new family year with peace.
Crockery breaking can be part of the holiday program. For example, before a feast, ask the spouses to break 9 plates together and only then allow them to sit down at the table.
Even the cleaning of the shards can be turned into a symbolic ceremony. For every broken plate, money is thrown on the floor, more often a change. If the hostess first of all begins to collect coins, then she is economical. If you take up the fragments - economic and clean. A new one must be presented to replace the broken dishes.
What to give for your ninth wedding anniversary
The simplest option is a symbol of the anniversary, that is, earthenware. This can be a dainty tea set or a large set of everyday utensils. A variety of hand-painted figurines and plates are also made from earthenware. You can donate a large floor vase that will decorate the interior.
Printing salons provide the service of applying images to various surfaces. An original, but at the same time, symbolic gift will be a wall plate with a picture of spouses. Instead of an image, you can paint the plate with the wishes of the guests, using permanent markers.
Crystal is also presented for the ninth anniversary. Beautiful crystal wine glasses will not only decorate the house of the spouses, but also become a reminder of the wedding.
A gift with a picture of daisies or a picture will be appropriate. If the anniversary is in the summer, then, as an addition to the main gift, collect a bouquet of wildflowers, the main ones in which will be daisies.