By the age of four, spouses become one, move to a new stage of relationship and acquire household utensils. A young family becomes as strong as flax fiber. From this came the name of this wedding anniversary. And flax, as you know, is a symbol of prosperity and stability.

Linen wedding
Linen thread is quite strong, but not yet strong enough to easily overcome all adversity. It is by this time that the family ceases to be considered young, a crucial period of increasing prosperity and accumulation of wealth begins. Our ancestors called the fourth wedding anniversary rope or wax. Rope because by this time the spouses are so attached to each other, as if they were tied with ropes by unknown forces. By this time, young people no longer extol personal relationships, but increasingly turn to home and family life.
How was linen wedding celebrated before?
In ancient times, a linen wedding was celebrated with no less scope than the first years of marriage. We were carefully preparing for this date. The woman had to hand-sew a linen sheet, which was used to make the bed on the day of the celebration of the fourth wedding anniversary. The sheet was decorated with lace or embroidery. Then this product was stored with great honor.
Also, the spouse had to sew a linen shirt for her husband and present it with respect on the day of the anniversary. He, in turn, must spend the whole day in a new shirt. The woman wore a linen sundress embroidered with patterns. Some traditions have survived to this day - to shower the spouses with flaxseeds. It is believed that this will bring longevity and strength to the marriage.
What's the best way to celebrate your fourth wedding anniversary?
Since linen symbolizes wealth in the family, it is better to celebrate the wedding anniversary at home. The main attributes of the holiday should be linen napkins, tablecloth, curtains or curtains. Spouses should wear linen clothes in which they need to meet guests. Wax candles should be present in the decoration of the rooms; they will not replace electric lighting, but they will also create a romantic and cozy atmosphere.
The celebration should be decorated with a bouquet of flax, which is considered the main symbol of this wedding anniversary. Both simple and intricate dishes can be present on the table. Do not waste a lot of time on cooking, it is better to spend it on the original scenario of the celebration. Even if this is not a round date, the celebration should be remembered by all guests.
What to give for a linen wedding?
It is believed that on the fourth wedding anniversary, young people should be presented with tablecloths or bedding. You can present a set of linen napkins, candlesticks, towels or decorative candles. A tapestry would be an excellent gift. A linen wedding is also presented with a bouquet of flax or this field plant in a pot or vase.