Spring is marked not only by romantic mood and new discoveries, but also by the bright holiday of Easter. And I want to spend this day somehow in a special way, in the circle of loved ones and loved ones. If you are in love, then for sure you want to celebrate this holiday with your loved one, creating an atmosphere of romance and tenderness. It is only important to approach this issue in an original and tasteful way.

Step 1
Easter is the personification of harmony and purity. Nature awakens from winter sleep, and with it romantic feelings and moods. Therefore, it is so important on this day to create an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. Try to spend it with your loved one, filling it with joy, fun and tenderness. Take care of decorating the house together, preparing a festive table, choosing entertainment.
Step 2
Decorate your home (or room) with original Easter attributes, transforming your home into a true spring garden. Willows, the first spring flowers, multi-colored paper garlands on which you can write good wishes, handmade toys - everything that will create an atmosphere of holiday, spring will help with this.
Step 3
You can also approach the decoration of the festive table in an original way. Paint Easter eggs in delicate colors and decorate them in a romantic spirit, make declarations of love, or paste over drawings of doves, hearts or angels. Decorate baked goods with a delicate sweet cream, frosting or colored sprinkles, laying them out, for example, in the shape of a heart.
Step 4
Come up with fun and games for this holiday. Arrange a game of desires and secrets. This will help you get to know your partner even better and better. The game can be arranged as follows. Build a small "ice rink" using a piece of cardboard or a piece of linoleum. Along the edges, place notes with desires or secrets and let them take turns on this kind of "roller" eggs. Whichever note it touches, the desire or secret will become apparent.
Step 5
If the weather is good on Easter, and you and your loved one want to retire, take a trip to nature or just take a walk around the city. Check out some of the more unusual holiday venues. Easter is a spring holiday, and spring is a time of romance and love. Combine these two motives into one and fill this day with tenderness and spring mood.
Step 6
Prepare an original surprise for your loved one. It can be a souvenir egg or some kind of hand-made thing that personifies spring and a romantic mood.