The 30th anniversary is considered one of the most important holidays in the life of a family. If a man and a woman celebrate this date, it means that they have learned to adapt, trust and forgive mistakes to each other and carried love through many years. With each passing day, the family became more and more beautiful, like a snow-white pearl in its sash. No wonder the 30th anniversary of family life is called a pearl wedding.

A pearl does not immediately become a flawless jewel. For about 30 years, it has been growing, wrapping itself in new and new layers of mother-of-pearl, until, finally, it becomes perfection. Also with my family. Two people do not immediately rub against each other. Learning to maintain love and accept each other without resentment or pretensions often takes many years. However, couples celebrating their 30th anniversary have already learned love and worldly wisdom, and their family has become like an immaculate pearl. There are many traditions to celebrate this day with dignity. According to one of them, spouses in the morning should go to a river or lake and throw a pearl into the water. Instead of a real pearl, an artificial one will do. If not, you can throw a simple coin into the water. The spouses must simultaneously throw pearls into the river and make plans so that they live together for as many years as they will lie at the bottom of their offering. Since small objects usually lie at the bottom of the reservoir for tens or even hundreds of years, this small ritual should help the couple to live together for many more decades. Wedding vows made 30 years ago can be renewed. For this, the husband and wife stand in front of a mirror, holding pearls in their hands, exchange vows of eternal love and fidelity and give each other their pearls. Another option for this ritual is to throw pearls into champagne glasses and have a brotherhood drink, and then present the pearls to your soul mate. According to tradition, on this holiday, the husband should give his wife a necklace of 30 pearls, one for each year lived together. With this gift, he asks forgiveness for the tears shed by his wife, if any, and promises to take care of her even better from now on. In return, the wife also gives her husband gifts made of pearls - cufflinks, tie pin, pendant or other jewelry. Usually, for the 30th anniversary, the heroes of the occasion gather all their relatives, young and old. Pearls also symbolize fertility, so the presence of all children, grandchildren and other family members at the celebration is desirable. Guests who come for the anniversary do not need to give gifts made of pearls to the anniversaries, this is only necessary for the spouses themselves. The best gifts will be hand-made items or keepsakes such as a photo album or a family video.