Entertaining guests takes a lot of time. First, you need to plan and prepare everything, and second, make sure that everything goes as planned. Contests will help your guests get to know each other faster, entertain them and leave a pleasant impression.

Step 1
Introduce through contests those people who see each other for the first time. Even if you have invited a narrow circle of your friends, it may happen that they do not know each other or do not remember names. To avoid embarrassment, you need to introduce everyone to each other in a playful way. This is where the Alcoholics Anonymous contest will help you. Its essence lies in the fact that everyone is seated so as to see each other. In turn, your guests should introduce themselves as follows: "Hello, my name is Ivan." All guests must answer in unison: "Hello, Ivan." Such a seemingly senseless competition immediately creates a relaxed atmosphere, and the guests will remember each other's names and, importantly, faces.
Step 2
If the number of guests does not allow for such an acquaintance, then you can resort to the "Non-random couple" competition. You will need musical accompaniment. Ask all guests to go out and dance while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, they should pair up with someone present. The only condition of the competition is that you cannot take an already familiar person. When all the guests are paired, give them a task. They must explain why they chose each other, what they have in common. This can be the color of clothes or eyes, favorite music or movies, etc.
Step 3
Run balloon contests. They are widespread at parties and corporate events. The scope for imagination is simply huge here. You can ask guests to break into pairs and dance, holding the ball between them. You can arrange a competition for agility, in which the winner will be the guest who does not drop the ball, etc. Such contests are best done with music.
Step 4
Have a quiz. Think about the questions ahead of time. They must relate to your event. For example, if you are having a birthday, then the questions can be about the birthday person. If this is a corporate event, then ask guests about the company's activities. Prepare small presentations for those who answer correctly.
Step 5
Be sure to thank the guests for participating in the contests. So you will cheer up those who have already entered the stage, and liberate people who are embarrassed to participate in the general fun.