How To Entertain Guests At A Party

How To Entertain Guests At A Party
How To Entertain Guests At A Party

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New Year's, birthday, March 8, housewarming or just a good mood can be a reason for a party. The festive outfit is bought, the table is bursting with food. But won't the guests be bored? After all, they should not only eat and drink at the party, but also have fun. Make them talk for a long time about how fun and interesting it was.

How to entertain guests at a party
How to entertain guests at a party


Step 1

The theater starts with the coat rack, the party starts with the decoration of the house. Decorate the front door, because it is the first to greet guests. Different ideas can be used depending on the party. Stick a small flower in the keyhole and write: "Take out the flower, the door will open", "The holiday is here, you were not mistaken." And under the drawn skull with knuckles, write on paper: "Don't knock! He will kill! Come in right away!"

Hang paper-cut flowers, leaves, funny faces with the names of guests. Have them cross out their names in this way to be noted. Such a cheerful door will cheer up and unite guests, even strangers.

Step 2

Now grab the room. Depending on the age of the company, decorate it with balls, tinsel, candles. They can be lit when it gets dark. Candles can be replaced with Christmas tree garlands. Do not be lazy and write posters, hang on the walls. They can be of different subjects, or they can be one. For example, "New folk signs":

- if the wife asks to just look at the store, then this is a big expense;

- if you forgot something and returned home, look in the mirror, twirl your finger at your temple and say: "You are a fool, and you are so late";

- do not take money with your left hand - it is bad for the heart, do not take with your right hand - it is bad for the liver. Grab them with both hands.

Step 3

If you have some kind of date, you can arrange a newspaper or album where the hero of the occasion will be at different ages. Find more interesting photos, make funny and cute captions for them.

In the wheelchair - "Although I am still a dunce, I have my own Mercedes."

First steps - "Top-top, baby stomping".

First grader at his desk - "I remember, as it is now, my own first class."

Camping - "We are lying at the side of the road with our legs raised."

Step 4

It's not worth talking about treats and snacks. Their number and range depends on your finances. But even the most humble table can impress. Usually with toasts in the company is tight. The guests' imagination freezes somewhere on "For good luck!", "For health!" To control the situation, put a ready-made toast under each appliance, composed with humor.

And in what position?

A special approach is needed here …

Well, for intuition. I have been my husband for many years, Forgetting ethics

Invests … intelligence!

Well, for cybernetics. Sometimes sand crumbles …

On the ice - great!

Let's drink, women, for the second.

Well, for safety.

Step 5

Small plaques can be placed on the table to remind you of table behavior. Choose or invent them depending on the interests and age of the guests. Some of them may include:

- the wine in the glass should be drunk while it is playing. As long as one lives, one must live, two lives do not exist;

- who has a rumbling stomach - take a liter per day. And when the soul is confused - just drink all day in a row;

- do not harm the liver and cells, do not trust beautiful labels. And to be healthy and happy, drink only home-made wines.

Step 6

Probably, there will be guests who will not mind playing pranks. Prepare costumes in advance and explain what is required of them.

"Congratulations to the pioneers" (family panties instead of shorts, a tie, a garrison cap, if there is a bugle and a drum - great).

We, the pioneers, children of our country, There is no one happier than us in the world.

To be with you again today

We came to congratulate Aunt Galya. We came to you to learn from the elders, How to drink so as not to get drunk at all.

How to eat to keep the figure.

We came to congratulate Aunt Galya. Burst fires, blue nights, We, the pioneers, want a glass, It's high time for adults to pour

We came to congratulate Aunt Galya.

Step 7

Pick up games. They should be light and short-lived. Think over what jokes, stories you will accompany each game. It will not be interesting without comments.

The Mummy game. Players pair up and receive a roll of toilet paper. At the signal of the leader, one starts wrapping paper around the second. The winner is the one with the most successful mummy. The game "Collect clothespins". The pair of players must be a man and a woman. Each woman is hung the same number of clothespins in the most unexpected places. A man whose hands are tied with a scarf should remove all clothespins with his teeth. The winner is the one who coped the fastest.

Step 8

Host an auction. Don't show the product in advance, but sell it intriguingly. The most ordinary balloon can be offered as follows: "Lot # 2. A popular means of transportation, necessary during traffic jams, is being raffled off. The initial price is 10 rubles." And only then remind: "There were mosquitoes in a balloon."

Step 9

Take care of the prizes in advance. Buy souvenirs, soft toys, hygiene items.

Don't forget the music. It should not only satisfy the tastes of the guests, but also be danceable.
