To please, mother-in-law, daughters-in-law often move mountains and show miracles of balancing act of culinary art and courage, and they treat the father-in-law more easily and without much trepidation. And in vain! Of course, the father-in-law is much more tolerant of his daughter-in-law, but this does not mean that he did not deserve similar efforts on his birthday. How can you please him?

Step 1
If your family is still young, and you are not familiar with the tastes and passions of the spouse's father, you should not worry about this. The most important thing for men is what the choice of his son is, to what extent he is nourishing, warm and comfortable. And all that is required of you is to unobtrusively prove to the father-in-law that the choice of his son is correct. Naturally, you congratulate him on his name day, but the impeccable daughter-in-law is good because she never forgets about the little things. If you live with your husband's parents, be sure to participate in preparing for the gala dinner. If you live separately from your mother-in-law and visit them, take something with you to the table. Do not perform miracles - it is enough that you cook any delicious dish.
Step 2
Let your children take part in preparing for the holiday. Let them draw something for grandfather or learn a congratulatory poem. A daughter can take part in decorating a birthday cake with an inscription and then boast to her grandfather that she did it. And the son can make a figurine from cones or a paper boat for his grandfather. If you like congratulations in verses, prepare a solemn speech for the father-in-law and divide it into quatrains for all family members. This will make the birthday boy smile and be a great entertainment for children and adults.
Step 3
A gift can be made from the whole family or from each separately. Kids can give their grandfather their poems, drawings, sign a general postcard. It doesn't matter what exactly you give. It is important that the gift is from the bottom of your heart and does not turn out to be an empty trinket. The father-in-law should be pleased not from the souvenir, but from the realization that this present was chosen, thought over it.