If for some reason your friend cannot arrange his own birthday celebration, prepare a surprise for him and surprise him so that the congratulation will be remembered for a lifetime.

Step 1
Have a real fire show under your friend's windows. To do this, it is not necessary to invite masters-poysters (people juggling with fire), it is enough to buy flares that fans use in the stands, wait until dark, put out the number corresponding to the friend's age, and set it on fire. Call him in advance and ask him to look out the window. Choose proven pyrotechnics. Make sure the fiery extravaganza doesn't get in the way of your friend's neighbors. Consider security measures.
Step 2
"Steal" a friend on the eve of his birthday and take him out of town to his dacha. There, prepare a party for the whole weekend, a symbolic banquet or barbecue, drinks and entertainment - music, sports equipment and more. Invite there all the mutual friends whom he would be glad to see. Inquire in advance about your friend's plans for the weekend and make sure his kidnapping doesn't scare other friends and family who are counting on him these days.
Step 3
Prepare your friend a traditional Hollywood movie birthday. Under any pretext, ask him for the keys to the apartment. Decorate (and tidy up, if necessary) the room, prepare a festive table, bring drinks. Hide in the apartment so that your friend cannot see you right away, and when he enters, shout joyfully: "Happy birthday!" Before such congratulations, review several films and try to eliminate all ridiculous situations.
Step 4
Invite your birthday boy to a sporting event in your city. Agree in advance with the organizers that the presenter, who entertains the audience during the break between halves (periods, parties), will congratulate your friend. If possible, you can negotiate with one of the players of your favorite team or a group of cheerleaders so that congratulations come from their lips.