Although e-books are gaining more and more fans, real, paper editions remain an expensive gift for the soul. The colorful design, illustrations and the inimitable scent of ink make the book a welcome present in the home.

Present violent emotions
The favorite genre of most women is romance novels. Give your friend the opportunity to experience a storm of passionate feelings, empathizing with the heroes of the novel. Modern love books have very beautiful covers that will adorn any bookshelf. Many series of romance novels are performed in a single design, which makes it possible to donate a set of several books.
Just find out in advance what your friend prefers - modern ironic novels, stylized stories about times gone by, or the classic adventures of Scarlett O'Hara and Jen Eyre. By the way, even if your friend has already read classic novels, she will still be happy with the new deluxe edition.
Do not write congratulations on the flyleaf of the book - only the author has the right to leave an autograph.
Gift to a household friend
What item does the hostess dream of receiving as a gift? Of course, a cookbook, large format, with mouth-watering illustrations and many different recipes. Nowadays, spring books are very popular, the sheets of which are cut into three parts. On the upper part there is a photo and description of the first course, on the middle - the second and on the bottom - dessert. Such publications will help you create a unique menu every day, alternating dishes. When choosing a cookbook, look at its contents. There should be various recipes - fairly simple and complex. A pleasant bonus will be the availability of recipes for a microwave or multicooker.
Something new about your favorite pastime
If your friend is into needlework, give her a book about her favorite hobby. Of course, if she is a professional, she will hardly be interested in educational publications. But bookstores sell a lot of handicraft books - popular knitting patterns, embroidery patterns, new macrame knots, batik motifs and many others.
Of course, all this can be found on the Internet, but a beautiful book with large illustrations is much better than scattered master classes filled with advertising. If your friend is a creative person who is in eternal search, you can give her a tutorial on drawing, playing the guitar, flash animation, etc.
A handicraft book can be supplemented with an appropriate gift - a skein of thread or an embroidery kit.
Gift for a pregnant girlfriend
During this wonderful period of life, a woman is constantly in thoughts of a baby. She happily awaits his appearance, but is a little worried that something will go wrong. Present your friend a book about pregnancy and the first days of your baby's life or an encyclopedia on his healthy development. If the term is already long enough, you can purchase the first children's books.