Celebrating the birthday of an adult is always interesting. Each time you puzzle over how to celebrate this celebration so that it remains in your memory for a long time. As usual, relatives, acquaintances and friends come. So that guests are not just sitting at the table, come up with a variety of entertainment for them.

Step 1
Do not cook something trivial for a gala evening. Remember that on days like these, everyone expects miracles. Contact your holiday agency. There you may even be offered a hot air balloon ride.
Step 2
Arrange a holiday draw during the celebration. Hire actors or come up with the plot of the prank yourself. There are quite a few options. For example, two police officers detain the hero of the occasion and take him to the place where the festive evening is organized. Of course, the person who is detained will be very surprised.
Step 3
Organize contests and games for guests. They can be different. For example, guests should pair up. Every couple is a woman and a man. The goal is to unfold the candy wrapper and eat the treat without using your hands. One of the couples who do it first wins.
Step 4
Write the first lines of one of the songs on pieces of paper in the form of hearts and invite the guests to finish singing the verses, the first lines of which they got in turn. Another competition is called “Dress the Lady”. The girl holds a ball of ribbon in one hand, and the guy with the help of his lips takes the tip of the ribbon and wraps the ribbon around the girl. The winner is the one who has a more beautiful outfit, who will cope with the task faster.
Step 5
Have a masquerade ball. Prepare invitations in advance, in which indicate that each guest should be dressed in the costume of a movie or fairy tale character. At the same time, you can think of a competition for the best production of a script from a film. Come up with something.
Step 6
Of course, don't forget about the festive table. Many delicious meals can be prepared. Do something new and original, find interesting recipes in a cookbook or related magazine. Delight your friends and acquaintances with amazing salads, delicious sweets. You can celebrate your birthday together with your loved one. If you do not like noisy companies, then this will be the perfect option for you.