The wedding day has arrived. The cars were washed and decorated, a restaurant was ordered, friends, the bride and groom in full dress gathered. You can go to the registry office, but before that, the future husband will have to go through the last, decisive test - the ransom of the bride. How can girlfriends prepare this difficult test?

It is necessary
- - Whatman paper;
- - colored markers;
- - scotch tape;
- - Balloons;
- - threads;
- - 3 Keys;
- - photos;
- - colored paper;
- - scissors;
- - tray;
- - package.
Step 1
As you begin to prepare the ransom scenario, find out the character of the groom. Someone can happily and carefree dance on the pelvis, sing to the guitar and shout at the whole entrance about love for the bride, while for someone such tasks may seem too extreme. It is sad if the ransom is overshadowed by a sense of awkwardness and the refusal of the groom to carry out tasks. Check with the wife-to-be on the ransom issues.
Step 2
Think up quick-witted questions, try to keep them humorous. For example, you can ask about the location of a mole on the bride's face, which in fact is not. Do not ask too simple or too difficult questions. Remember that the groom will not come alone, so try to include the entire suite of the newlywed in your scenario. Remind your friends to help the groom with the challenges.
Step 3
If the future husband knows how to play any musical instrument, use this skill c. Suggest, for example, serenading the newlywed. Prepare the tool in advance. Also take care of the music for the dance competition in the buyout scenario ahead of time. For example, ask the groom and his friends to dance the little ducklings.
Step 4
Offer to find out how well the groom knows his future wife. To do this, prepare a poster with numbers that are meaningful to the bride. These can be dates of birth, acquaintances, numbers indicating the size of clothes, shoes, rings, house numbers, apartment numbers, transport, etc. Design a poster, such as a flower with a number written on each petal.
Step 5
Use the stairs at the entrance, along which the future husband will climb to the apartment. Cut out hearts from paper, glue them on the steps of the stairs and invite the groom, stepping on the hearts, to affectionately call the bride. As an option - call different diminutive forms of her name. It's not so easy to come up with so many names for your beloved. Or ask the newlywed to tell you how he will help his future wife with household chores. Each step is one thing. You can also propose to name the reasons why the future husband gets married, stepping on every step.
Step 6
Beat the entrance to the bride's apartment. Hide the key to the apartment in the balloons - let the groom guess which balloon the necessary key is hidden in. If he is mistaken, he must pay a fine, the amount of which should be written in advance on the balls with a marker. You can also hide the key in one of three glasses of opaque drinks, such as juice of different colors. Ask friends of the newlywed for help with a drink to see if the key is there. Or invite your husband-to-be to ring the doorbell with his heel. Of course, friends will help in this task.
Step 7
In the apartment, stick several children's photographs on the wall, one of which shows the bride. Ask the groom which one. In case of a mistake, ask your future husband to pay the fine and try again. As a fine, you can use not only money, but also sweets for the bridesmaids. Or ask to perform any penalty assignment.
Step 8
If you have a good memory, ask questions in verse. They are easy to find or compose yourself, and such a ransom will look much more festive and interesting. Joke, smile, smooth out awkwardness. Remember that the groom is worried and be condescending. Do not demand an answer to the question by all means, it is better to appoint a penalty task or let them pay off.