Although congratulations and gifts are associated with the holiday and fun, there are situations where only the formal form of congratulation is appropriate. It can be the birthday of business partners or representatives of some regulatory body, the anniversary of the boss, etc.

Step 1
Since the event is solemn and official, then contact the hero of the occasion by name and patronymic.
Step 2
Think over and calculate the duration of the congratulation, even rehearse if necessary. Do not limit yourself to short phrases, for example, “For you,” “Let you have everything you want,” etc., but do not drag out your speech either, do not make people bored and look at each other with a smile. On average, the toast should sound for about a minute. If you can't personally congratulate, then be sure to congratulate by phone or a postcard.
Step 3
Don't use formulaic greetings. First, everyone has already heard them. Secondly, among those present there will certainly be another one with the same text. Just wish everything and more: sun, smiles, reliable friends, good people, good mood and, of course, health, love and happiness. Such kind words will bring a positive and joyful atmosphere to the official atmosphere.
Step 4
Pay attention to the chosen words. Do not use the past tense: "For you to be good," the wish should be directed to the future: "May everything be fine with you."
Step 5
Sometimes congratulations involve giving a gift. Usually something solid is bought together, although the whole team is not obliged to take part in the purchase. In this case, the gift is presented with the words: "From Vasily Ivanovich and me." For a manager, the best gift option would be a bouquet of flowers on his desk. You can also present neutral, inexpensive items, such as stationery, an album, books. Only in close-knit teams are more personal gifts acceptable.
Step 6
Perhaps you were invited to the company's anniversary, which is an important date and symbolizes the stability, development and success of the company in business. Important business partners and journalists are often invited to such celebrations. Therefore, every word of congratulations, welcoming speech should be thoughtful and balanced. If you are present, for example, at the opening of a new establishment or presentation of a new innovative product, do not forget to congratulate the administration and developers on their achievements.