Anniversary is a very important event in the life of every person. It means that part of the path has already been passed, wisdom and experience have been accumulated. At the same time, this is the beginning of a new life span filled with achievements and discoveries. Anniversaries always try to celebrate more pompously than regular birthdays.

Step 1
It is necessary to meet the hero of the day in an unusual way so that he immediately receives a charge of positive emotions and the celebration takes place on a positive wave.
Step 2
You can borrow the script of the meeting from Hollywood films. In order for the greeting to succeed, arrange in advance with the guests. You need to organize silence when the hero of the day enters, and those present should not give away their whereabouts in any way.
Step 3
Then distribute firecrackers, confetti, hats and sparklers to everyone. Call the hero of the day to find out when he will come. Five minutes before arriving, gather at the entrance and turn off the lights. When the birthday boy opens the door and enters, turn on the light and start congratulating the person who entered. The more noise you create, the better your meeting will be remembered by the hero of the day.
Step 4
If American traditions are not close to you, look to the Russian past. In the old days, guests of honor were greeted with bread and salt.
Step 5
To organize such a meeting, you will need old Russian costumes, a kokoshnik, a loaf and welcoming ditties. Search the internet for lyrics, or come up with the choruses yourself.
Step 6
When the hero of the day comes in, bow low and offer him "bread and salt". Also, traditionally, the birthday person should drink a glass with a strong drink at the entrance.
Step 7
You can also meet the hero of the day with a song dedicated to him, which is better to compose yourself. Take a popular tune and come up with words that suit the occasion. Ask all guests to learn the lyrics or just memorize the chorus. When the hero of the day comes in, turn on the music and sing the piece in chorus.
Step 8
Also, for the arrival of the hero of the day, you can prepare a wall newspaper dedicated to his life. Attach it where it can be seen and decorate with balloons and tinsel.
Step 9
For the meeting of the hero of the day to be successful, do not forget the main thing. It is not so important what the words in the song will be and whether the congratulation is well-thought out. The bottom line is that all congratulations are pronounced from a pure heart, and for this, be sure to put a piece of your soul into them.