In the old days, according to tradition, the procedure for choosing and buying wedding rings was the task of the groom. Nowadays, a trip to a jewelry store is often done together, and the choice of rings is made based on the taste preferences of not only the groom, but also the bride.

In a jewelry store, it may be difficult for you to decide, because there is a fairly large selection, and the showcase contains wedding rings of various designs and materials. How to choose from this variety what is right for you? In order to protect yourself from a rash purchase and an impulsive desire to take the first ring you like, you should think in advance about the main selection criteria and at least roughly imagine what you want to buy.
Material: Silver, Gold or Platinum?
Classic red gold wedding bands are the most inexpensive and common option. If in everyday life you prefer to wear silver jewelry, then white gold rings, externally similar in shade to silver, can be an excellent option. But you can also pick up wedding rings made of silver - this is an inexpensive and original option. The most expensive rings in jewelry stores are usually platinum rings. It is believed that this is the choice of those who do not settle for anything other than the most expensive and luxurious.
In addition, the presence or absence of precious and semiprecious stones also affects the value of a ring. Rings decorated with stones are a woman's prerogative, therefore, the choice of stones must be made based on the bride's own preferences or relying on the folk signs associated with this.
Wedding ring designs - from simple to unique
In addition to simple classic rings, there are a huge number of all kinds of ring variations with a unique shape, relief and combination of precious stones. To decorate wedding rings, the most often chosen are:
• diamonds - a symbol of the inviolability of marriage vows, purity and perfection
• rubies - this stone is believed to help newlyweds overcome disagreements, drive away bad thoughts and reconcile disputants
• emeralds - this stone is considered a symbol of spring and the annual awakening of nature, therefore it is believed that it helps spouses to maintain freshness and novelty of feelings for many years
• sapphires - according to signs, it helps to maintain prosperity and happiness in marriage, and also makes spouses more tolerant of each other
With a sufficiently large wedding budget, you can order the production of rings according to your own sketches. Another less expensive option to make rings unique is to use laser engraving.
How to choose the size of your wedding ring
To understand when trying on whether the ring fits in size, you must first pay attention to the following things: it should not dangle too much on the finger (only a small gap is allowed) and should not press too much. At the same time, do not forget that in the cold the fingers tend to become thinner, and after physical exertion or in the heat, on the contrary, they thicken.
Whatever rings you choose as a result, the most important thing is that they suit and like you, because throughout every day they will remind you of that happy and important event that happened to you once - your wedding.