The weekend is a period of rest from work, and also an opportunity to enjoy your free time. If you plan these days correctly, there will be enough time for a variety of activities. If you draw up a schedule in advance, you will be able to realize everything conceived.

Someone prefers to get enough sleep on weekends, others postpone household chores for these days, some dream of devoting this time to loved ones, some run away from any company. And sometimes you need to do everything, so you have to be torn and worried. Having a clear schedule can help make life more predictable and also help you avoid unnecessary actions.
Making a to-do list for the weekend is essential. In a couple of days, you can already start taking notes. First, you need to write down all the mandatory tasks that need to be done. Distribute them in order of importance, first put those that are very important to do, then less important, at the end of the list what can be transferred or not. For each case, you need to write the time it will take.
Then you need to plan your rest. Someone will choose walks, trips to nature or to the zoo, someone will want to meet friends. Also, make a list of meetings and events, indicating the importance and time. But remember that it is difficult to do everything, be realistic.
Each list usually contains at least 5 items, and sometimes more than 10. Take a look at them realistically, and then cross out the last 2 events in each. The likelihood that you will have time to complete them is very small, and the feeling of dissatisfaction that something has not been done will haunt you. Just give up those things that are in the priorities on the last line.
How to choose the time to do things
To make the weekend interesting and effective, distribute classes correctly. On the first day in the morning, you need to do all the important things. Try to do them quickly, so that later you just forget about what it was all about. Between doing the required work, you can also insert those things that are on the rest list, for example, calling a friend or watching your favorite movie.
When a person has not done something important, when his business is not finished, he cannot fully relax. Somewhere in the subconscious mind wanders the idea that you need to finish your plan, and this interferes with enjoying your vacation. Do not allow this, do everything at the beginning, and go to rest later.
Mark what you have done in the list, tick the box when something is already finished. It helps to move on, gives confidence, gives strength to do something else. Each mark will delight, fill the day with meaning. And as a result, at the end of the weekend there will be a feeling of satisfaction that everything went very well.