To write a script for the graduation party, it is necessary, first of all, to communicate with students and teachers in order to listen to their wishes and suggestions. After that, you need to draw up an event plan, in which you combine the elements of the official part of the holiday with its entertainment part.

The main components of the script for the graduation
The key to a good script is the maximum involvement of as many participants in the evening as possible. To do this, it is recommended to develop a scenario together with the students of the class and their teachers, so that on their last joint school evening, everyone who wants to can express themselves and please others with the help of their talents.
The basis of the script is the figures of the hosts of the holiday - most often the hosts are appointed by 2 people who spend the holiday in the form of a dialogue with the audience and with each other, introduce the speakers to the audience, and announce contests. In the official part of the script, you need to include a parting speech from the class teacher, a congratulatory speech from the director, head teacher or school council members. You can invite the class teacher and other teachers to say something briefly about each student, for example, in a poetic form - this will add warmth and touching to the holiday.
In the entertainment part of the script, it is imperative to include pre-prepared performances by the students themselves: dance numbers, vocal performances, humorous cartoons and parodies, theatrical sketches, etc. The more students take part in the performances, the more fun and cohesive the festive evening will be. Competitions should be an obligatory part of the graduation ceremony: dance, comic or relay. The final part of the script can be the performance of a song or dance by all participants, a festive fireworks and a joint traditional meeting of the dawn.
A beautiful addition to the festive scenario can be a demonstration on a large screen of photos or videos reflecting bright events in the life of the class, joint events, school days, friendly meetings, etc. To give the participants of the evening the opportunity to express their feelings and emotions in a beautiful way, the organization of holiday mail can be included in the script: for this, put a large bright mailbox in a conspicuous place and put empty postcards and envelopes next to it. Several times during the evening or at the end, distribute holiday messages to all addressees - such letters will become a pleasant memory of the holiday. You can develop a thematic graduation script - for example, in the style of an era, an exotic country, or a movie. In this case, it will be necessary to include appropriate music, dances, traditions in the program.