It is very difficult to choose a gift for a person who has everything. In such cases, you cannot get off the material component, but you need to come up with something original. The main thing is that the gift should evoke positive emotions and be remembered by the birthday person.

With your own hands
Hade-made is gaining its popularity, because the exclusivity of a gift is most appreciated. A gift made with your own hands is always more pleasant to receive, because you know that your soul has been invested in it, time has been spent and attention has been presented with it.
Purchase ingredients from specialized stores and make handmade soap, an original candle, or a real candy bouquet. Wrap the present beautifully and attach a postcard to it with congratulations (but not written according to a template, but sincere words).
In our world, more and more people "live at work", which means that there is not much time left for rest. A great gift can be a "gift certificate to receive emotions". Ideally, it will include several options for leisure activities, from which the birthday person will choose something to his taste. Most often, such certificates offer horseback riding, skydiving, tea ceremonies, bowling, billiards, golf.
If in your city it is not possible to purchase such a certificate, you can buy cinema tickets, a subscription to the fitness room, or, for example, a 30-minute swim with dolphins. Explore which entertainment venues in your city offer the opportunity to purchase gift cards or season tickets.
Decorate the entire room with balloons or flowers. Write small congratulations and hang all over the room, bake a cake. Do what surprises the person. After all, everyone loves surprises, regardless of age and gender.
Video clip
Ask all relatives and friends of the birthday person to record a few pleasant words and congratulations on the video. Using computer programs, combine all the congratulations into a video, write it down on a flash drive and give it as a present. Any person is pleased to listen to warm words addressed to him.
Choose a dozen or two of the most interesting photographs of the birthday boy and make a photo book of them. Almost any photo studio will help you with design and printing. Keep the cover of the book firm and solid. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time and will delight the birthday man for a long time.