It is believed that a leap year is special due to its elongation by one day. But not looking at it, he enjoys the notoriety that superstitions prophesy to him.

Step 1
Leap year excites the imagination of many people. Some believe that he only brings troubles. Others, on the other hand, call leap years the happiest in life. So who's right? The current 2012 is the year of the Dragon, the time of fairy tales. This mythical animal grants wishes. Therefore, a leap year cannot be bad either. The lonely will meet their soulmates; those who dreamed of a home will receive shelter over their heads; who dreamed of a career, will ascend the career ladder. In general, the present time is supposed to be wonderful.
Step 2
There are many contradictions along the way of research. There are reasons why a leap year is considered a bad year. So, the first and most important superstition is that you cannot get married during this period. It is believed that a marriage entered into in a leap year will not be happy: it will fall apart, go wrong, the young will not get along together. In fact, there is no statistical evidence of such superstition (i.e., in leap years, divorces do not occur several times more often than in ordinary years). And therefore, newlyweds should not be afraid. Therefore, if you want to get married in 2012, then ignore the signs.
Step 3
There is another superstition that says that all troubles come in a leap year. There is no statistical confirmation of this either. Psychologists note that a person inspires himself that something bad should happen during this period. As a result of which all kinds of troubles occur. If you do not particularly focus on the fact that the year is a leap year, then it will pass like everyone else (there will be both good days and not so good ones - this cannot be avoided).
Step 4
The most curious prediction for a leap year is a riot from nature. Various cataclysms are expected during this period of time based on ancient superstitions. But even in this case, there are inconsistencies. Take last year, for example. How many natural disasters have happened in Japan alone! And 2011 was not a leap year. Therefore, you should not take superstition seriously. A leap year should be greeted with hope for the best, expect something good and kind, and everything will be wonderful with you.