One of the most important and solemn Orthodox holidays is the Nativity of Christ. On January 6, at midnight, a solemn service begins in Orthodox churches. And on January 7, it is customary to congratulate friends and family on this bright holiday.

It is necessary
White tablecloth, hay, candles, ritual kutia (or sochivo)
Step 1
On Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, according to Orthodox tradition, is the strictest fast. On this day, it is customary either to do without food altogether, or to eat ritual food all day, which is called sochivo (hence the name Christmas Eve). Food on this day cannot be taken until the first star. If you do not adhere to strict Orthodox rules, of course, you can eat on Christmas Eve. The celebration begins at nightfall. The dining table is sprinkled with hay, the tablecloth must be spread white on top.
Step 2
With the onset of dusk, when the first star lights up, sit down at the table with the whole family and wish each other all the best. The evening dinner on the eve of the holiday is traditionally held in silence. The table should be lean - sochivo (porridge made from various grains, seasoned with vegetable oil), compote, baked fish. According to an old tradition, with the onset of darkness, candles were lit in houses and put them on the windows.
Step 3
But the next morning, on Christmas itself, set a rich and varied table. After all, the post is over, now you can not deny yourself anything. It is believed that the more magnificent and richer the Christmas table, the more successful the next year will be for the family. Traditionally, this day is served: fried poultry, pancakes, jelly, sbiten, honey cakes, various homemade pickles and smoked meats.