Anniversary is a round date and an important event in a person's life. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the preparation of congratulations on such a holiday especially carefully so that your words are not only remembered for a long time, but also please the hero of the day.

Step 1
Choose a form of congratulation. It can be serious or humorous, be formal or informal - it all depends solely on the situation and your relationship with the hero of the day. For example, an official congratulation is more suitable for a boss, but a close friend can be congratulated with humor. True, the last option is only suitable if you know for sure that your humor will be appreciated and understood by the hero of the occasion.
Step 2
When choosing words, consider the gender of the hero of the day. Congratulations for a woman should be more sincere and tender than for a man, even if she is your boss. The wish to remain loved, beautiful and desired will suit her. A man, on the contrary, should wish for fortitude, success in his career and the support of like-minded people.
Step 3
Start your congratulations by listing the merits of the hero of the day - what he achieved in life, tell about his best character traits, or describe the role he played in your life. If you are familiar with the hero of the occasion only at work, mention his professional achievements or relationships during the service.
Step 4
Go to wishes. In this case, be sure to take into account the facts from the life of the hero of the day, so that it does not work, for example, to wish a family to a long-married man. If you are well acquainted with the person you are congratulating, and you know about his dreams and desires, you can wish them to come true. If you don't know the hero of the day, wish him important things for everyone: good health, prosperity, personal happiness and success in work. In conclusion, you can say the wish "Always stay the same …".
Step 5
If you find it difficult to come up with a congratulation, find a poem that suits the occasion and read it with expression. However, remember that the best congratulations will be the one that is said in your own, albeit the simplest, words. The main thing is sincerity and a desire to please the hero of the day.