A holiday is a feverish joyful preparation, a festive table, guests, a decorated house, beautiful photographs. Children are happy to take part in all stages of the preparation of the celebration. Usually, the child wants not only to help parents and their friends in organizing a party, but also to be in the center of attention, for example, to give a gift to the one in whose honor the feast is being arranged.

Check out your parents' boxes and old albums! Most of them carefully keep your children's gifts: drawings with a "scabby", epic works about knights and dragons, decorated in the form of a postcard, lurid figurines made of plasticine. Over time, gifts for children acquire their special value. Therefore, encourage your child in this endeavor - you will have an extensive collection!
Drawings and applications
To make drawings, the kid will need: a set of colored markers, pencils, an eraser, simple pencils, several sharpeners, A4 albums or just A4 sheets for drawing. Watch carefully how the child uses the markers: you do not need to pull them into your mouth or gnaw them, it's still chemistry. Also, do not sharpen pencils too sharp: your son or daughter will deal with graphics a little later, and a pencil that is too sharp can be dangerous.
For applications in their classic version, you will need to buy a set of colored cardboard. Soft porous cardboard or artificial leather for appliqués is also suitable. You will need paper glue, a glue brush and scissors. It is also better for a child to apply applications under your careful control: glue is not food at all, and the baby can harm himself with scissors.
If your child is attending kindergarten, then they usually learn to make a variety of crafts, glued from paper, sculpted from colored plasticine or - aerobatics - from papier-mâché. Usually, children, if they get such handicraft in kindergarten, want to show off the skills they have acquired at home.
The child himself will tell you what and in what sequence he will need to make the craft. You just have to again fulfill the duty of the "head of the security service", as well as admire the creations of the little artist. However, if you are asked for advice, do not hit your face in the mud!
Artistic performances
There are children who, from an early age, really enjoy performing in public: telling fairy tales, singing songs, reciting poetry. The child can go to a music school, then all your guests will have to listen to a small concert, the repertoire of which will be the curriculum of your son or daughter.
Such children usually have many friends, therefore, if you are planning to organize a children's party or a celebration where a certain part of the time and attention of the guests will be given to children, you can organize a small children's theater and festival. The scope for creativity here is not limited by anything except your imagination and children's wishes.