Those who receive for the holidays from friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances a year's supply of shampoo, shower gel, perfume with any scent except suitable and other similar things know how to appreciate good gifts. Valentine's Day is a romantic holiday, and banal gifts should not be presented to your loved one on this day, because they do not indicate not love, but indifference.

Step 1
Think about the tastes and preferences of your loved one. Surely he spoke at least once about something that he would very much like. It doesn't have to be some kind of thing: it can be a trip out of town, a trip to the theater, a parachute jump, a visit to a spa salon, a Thai massage session, a thematic photo session, etc. If you know the desires of your significant other well enough, then you can fulfill them.
Step 2
Take your portrait together. Choose some of the most suitable photographs, take them to a photo center and ask them to process and print on canvas. With the help of modern programs, you can easily make a picture from a photograph drawn with pencils, watercolors, oils, etc. of your choice. You can also add a romantic lettering that appears to be handwritten. Insert the resulting picture into a beautiful frame and present.
Step 3
Present your loved one a chocolate made by yourself. The custom of giving chocolate to lovers is very popular in Japan: both boys and girls openly express their feelings in this way, or anonymously confess their love, asking some of their friends to give chocolate to their chosen one or darling. Instead of buying ready-made bars, find a few recipes, molds and start making romantic chocolate for your significant other. And do not forget to mention that you prepared everything with your own hands just for him - the person closest to you.
Step 4
If you want to give a gift to your beloved, confess your love to her in the language of flowers. There are many different interpretations of the meanings of colors; it is not difficult to find them in our time. Fire lilies will tell about your passion, orchids - about pure love and admiration for the beauty of your beloved, and amaryllis - about admiration for her virtues. Find interpretations of flowers, choose the most suitable ones, decorate the bouquet and tell about its secret meaning in a love note. This option of presenting a bouquet is unlikely to seem banal to your lady.