What You Don’t Need To Give Your Child For 1 Year

What You Don’t Need To Give Your Child For 1 Year
What You Don’t Need To Give Your Child For 1 Year

The first birthday is a joyful occasion that should not be overshadowed by unnecessary gifts.

Child waiting for the holiday
Child waiting for the holiday

The first birthday is an exciting and at the same time joyful holiday not only for parents, but also for the baby himself. Of course, a child is unlikely to remember in a few years how he spent that day, but vivid fragments may remain in his memory. As a rule, they will be associated with gifts that will be given to the little one on his first birthday. After all, the child will still play with the donated toys for several months, or even years. And when the baby grows up a little, then it can already be explained to him that this toy was presented, for example, by the godfather.

If you are invited to a children's party, at which the birthday person turns one year old, then the question arises of what to give him. But often the guests do not know what the baby needs at this particular age and buy absolutely unnecessary things. Let's figure out what gifts should not be given to a child per year.

1. Toys intended for children under six months of age (rattles, teethers, mobiles, etc.). A one-year-old child will simply not be interested in them.

2. Toys intended for children over three years of age. Typically, this information is indicated on the packaging or label of the product. As a rule, these toys are designed for older children, and the baby will not yet be able to use the toy for its intended purpose.

3. Toys that contain small parts, including surprise kinders. They cannot be gifted for security reasons. A one-year-old child still pulls everything into his mouth, and he can choke on such details.

4. Soft toys. Believe me, if necessary, the parents themselves can buy a fluffy friend for the baby. In addition, with such toys, the child will not be able to perform a large number of actions, and at this age it is important for him to develop.

5. Radio-controlled toys. The child has not yet matured to such a miracle of technology, this toy will be more pleasant to parents. But the baby can get scared from her sudden movements and loud sounds.

6. Detergents for bathing (foams, shampoos, soaps). Each child is different, besides, his delicate baby skin is often prone to allergies. As a rule, in the first two years of a baby's life, parents do not change the brand of products that they use for personal care.

7. Sweets, chocolate and other sweets. The child will certainly be interested in bright packaging, and he will want to taste it. In addition, chocolate is not recommended for children under three years old, it can cause allergies.

In general, if you are in doubt about the choice of a gift and do not know what to buy, then it is better to consult with the parents of the child you are visiting.
