How To Get To The Enterprise

How To Get To The Enterprise
How To Get To The Enterprise

One of the four remaining shuttles designed for reusable space flights, Enterprise, since July 2012, can be seen by anyone. This space shuttle, the pride of American astronautics, is on display at the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum in New York.

How to get to
How to get to

Initially, the shuttle was made for testing, and not for flights, so the Enterprise never saw space. After surface tests in 1977, they wanted to make a real spacecraft out of it, but due to the high cost, these plans were abandoned. Over time, the shuttle was partially disassembled to use the parts in operating ships, and the remaining frame was converted into an exhibition exhibit. It was shown in Italy, France, Canada, Great Britain, some states of the USA, then it was transferred to the Smithsonian Institution. Since 2012, the shuttle Enterprise has been installed in the Interpid floating museum of Sea, Air and Space.

This is the largest maritime museum in the United States, more than 900 thousand people visit it a year. A tent shaped like a silver cloud was erected especially for the shuttle. Here the spacecraft was located temporarily, until a permanent dwelling was built for it - the astronautics pavilion.

The opening of the pavilion took place from 18 to 22 July; more than three dozen shows, exhibitions, concerts and other events dedicated to space topics were timed to coincide with it. Since July 19, after a grand opening ceremony, access to the pavilion is open to everyone. However, it is possible to look at the Enterprise only from the outside - the entrance is closed inside the shuttle. The exhibition curator explained that “the shuttle is a national treasure and must be protected. It's cramped there and you can damage something."

If you want to get to the Enterprise and see the space shuttle with your own eyes, you must visit the Intrepid Museum. It is located in New York, Manhattan, on the banks of the Hudson River, at pier 86. You can even get to it from Times Square on foot, along 41 - 43 streets. The entrance is open to all comers, a ticket for adults costs about $ 22. You can get more detailed information on the museum's website.
