Choosing a gift is not an easy task. You need to know a person very well in order to give him a present that he will surely like. Otherwise, a person will simply not appreciate him. So, what can you give a girl for 16 years.

What are usually given to girls for 16 years
When visiting people with low incomes, it is easier to choose a gift, they still have so much to buy. A girl from such a family probably dreams of a large set of cosmetics, a good manicure set or fashionable perfume. It can be some kind of jewelry or silver, gold jewelry. The price will not necessarily be very high, and such a gift can be made by a person with any income level.
A gift certificate for a certain amount of money can be a good present. Later, the girl herself will choose what to buy. Or, before you go to visit, just ask her what to give her. Then your gift will surely please her.
What to give a 16-year-old girl who has everything
It is even more difficult to find a gift for a girl who, it seems, already has everything. Here you need to turn on all your imagination and pick up something that will bring both joy and pleasure. This can be an expensive phone and tablet of the latest model, an expensive piece of jewelry, a tourist trip abroad, or an oil painting from a photograph of a girl.
You can give an expensive fur coat or an exclusive handbag. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the person giving the gift. Some girls are given cars and apartments on their sixteenth birthday.
Also, do not forget about the flowers that you can give in addition to the gift.
What to give a 16-year-old girl whose tastes you don't know
A 16-year-old girl is still not quite an adult, especially in the eyes of her parents, but she is no longer a child. Therefore, a young lady of this age, apparently, is no longer worth giving dolls, unless it is some kind of author's doll, which the young lady has dreamed of for many years.
If you don't know much about the 16-year-old girl you're invited to for her birthday, pick something out of the ordinary that will amaze her. For example, as in the song about a million scarlet roses. If a woman were given one rose or a small bouquet, it would be an ordinary, insignificant gift. But the artist gave a million!
So, if you want to impress, come up with something original that can surprise. If your imagination does not allow you to do this, take a look at the online store of unusual gifts. There are all kinds of non-standard souvenirs in a wide range.
How many people - so many desirable gifts! Do not buy the first thing that comes across, and even more so - don’t give something that you don’t need. A gift made from the heart will definitely be appreciated.