To please yourself on your birthday, you need to have a clear understanding of your own needs. Moreover, sincere joy will bring desires that are not the most obvious at first glance. For example, for romantics, visiting places where they were once happy would be a good gift. Pragmatists may be pleased with the purchase of the necessary, but rather expensive thing.

Step 1
Go to a good restaurant if you wanted to do this for a long time, but postponed the visit out of savings. Birthday is such a holiday when you can do a lot of things that you did not allow yourself in everyday life. It doesn't matter if you invite someone with you or not. After all, you can enjoy gastronomic delights with aged wine alone.
Step 2
Visit "historical" places for you. For example, wander in the neighborhood where you spent your childhood. Such a gift will be especially relevant for romantic melancholic people who have long since changed their place of residence. Alternatively, wander the streets where they once walked with their first love. Let it be a little sad walk, but light sadness can also be pleasant.
Step 3
Buy what you dream of, but the purchase has always been delayed due to more paramount spending. It can be a set of tools - one of those that brutal men like so much. Or, say, a cute manicure set - which no fashionista can pass by. Birthday justifies any waste. A small remark: just, please, do not go into debt for the sake of your holiday shopping. Perhaps at first you will experience the joy of owning the desired thing, but then you will begin to be overcome by doubts about the expediency of this act.
Step 4
Call the person you really care about. Invite him to meet. It doesn't matter who it will be - the first teacher or a friend with whom you once went to training. It is important that this is not a former object of attraction, otherwise there is a risk, instead of joy, to receive a lot of negative memories. However, there may be exceptions even to this rule.
Step 5
Stock up on all sorts of goodies and good movies, turn off your phone and don't go online. This advice may seem strange, to put it mildly, but if you are an introvert, and the conditions of everyday life oblige you to constantly communicate with people, a holiday celebrated in loneliness can be a good gift for you.