Temperamental Italians love and celebrate holidays in a big way, noisy and fun. New Year in the country-museum, as Italy is also called, is one of the most beloved and expected. The festivities begin on December 25 with Catholic Christmas and end on January 6 with Epiphany. This is a great opportunity to extend the New Year for yourself and fully enjoy the national flavor of this hospitable country.

Step 1
New Year's Eve in Italy is an official holiday and is celebrated on a grand scale typical of Italians: with traditional festivities, colorful fireworks, street concerts and performances. In all cities of Italy, Christmas trees are installed on squares, garlands are hung, shop windows and restaurants are decorated. In Rome, at six o'clock in the evening, the movement of ground transport stops, and the Eternal City is illuminated by myriads of lights, singers and circus performers perform on improvised venues. The culmination of the holiday takes place in the central square of Piazza del Popolo, where many people flock to watch the grandiose fireworks and have fun until the morning with the artists performing on the stage. And on the first day of the new year, a traditional candlelight procession takes place in the catacombs of St. Priscilla.
Step 2
Romantic tourists can celebrate the New Year in Venice. In the city of love for the holiday, Christmas trees are decorated with garlands and flowers, and the marble lions guarding the Palazzo are put on New Year's caps and glued on white beards. On yachts, flags are raised with the image of Babbo Natale, the Italian counterpart of Santa Claus. And the gray-haired Babbo Natale himself floats in a gondola along the ribbon channels, welcoming the townspeople and tourists. The New Year's festivities begin with concerts and costumed processions, and closer to midnight, tens of thousands of people flock to Piazza San Marco, where the New Year's kissing ceremony has recently been held. Thousands of Italians and tourists from all over the world come to Venice to kiss as a sign of love, peace and harmony at the time of the new year. On the huge screens installed on the square, frames from films with the most famous kisses are continuously shown, and golden rain of stars and hearts is pouring down from the sky on the protesters gathered in the square. After the "collective kiss" on San Marco, a colorful show begins and lasts until the morning.
Step 3
In the ski resorts of Italy, in small towns, they celebrate the New Year in national traditions, and all vacationers have the opportunity to take part in folk festivities. At youth resorts, bars are open all night and discos do not stop. Everyone can find entertainment to their liking.
Step 4
According to a tradition long established in Italy, it is customary to throw old things out of windows on New Year's: dishes, clothes and even furniture. It is believed that if you get rid of old things on New Year's Eve, then in the coming year you will definitely buy new ones. Confetti, firecrackers and sparklers fly out of the windows after old things. Therefore, in the first minutes of the new year, it is better not to walk in residential areas.
Step 5
According to another old tradition, Italians wear red clothes and always red underwear to celebrate the New Year. This color is believed to bring happiness and good luck in the coming year.
Step 6
Seasonal sales begin in Italian shops on January 2, and there is a great opportunity to purchase gifts and souvenirs with great discounts.