How To Celebrate The New Year Year Of The Rooster, And What Should Be The Menu

How To Celebrate The New Year Year Of The Rooster, And What Should Be The Menu
How To Celebrate The New Year Year Of The Rooster, And What Should Be The Menu

Those who follow the eastern calendar will be interested to know how to celebrate the New Year 2017 of the Rooster, and what the menu should be. The mascot of the coming year is the Red Fire Rooster, which has special preferences in wardrobe and menu on the festive table.

Tips on how to celebrate the New Year 2017 year of the Rooster, and what should be the menu
Tips on how to celebrate the New Year 2017 year of the Rooster, and what should be the menu

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Astrologers advise to celebrate the New Year 2017 of the Rooster in a close circle of family or friends. The fact is that the Fiery Rooster "prepared" a lot of tests for the next year. To cope with possible difficulties and adversities, it is necessary to rally with the closest people who will become each other's support and support in the coming months. The Red Rooster likes people who are not afraid to overcome obstacles on the path of life, so those who often prefer to be discouraged and feel sorry for themselves should gain courage and tolerance: leave aside all negative thoughts and tune in only to the positive.

Already by the name of the main animal of 2017, it is noticeable that the Red Fire Rooster likes bright colors and paints. Astrologers and supporters of eastern culture call the most suitable color scheme for celebrating the New Year 2017 red and gold. At the same time, overly pretentious, transparent outfits should be avoided. The rooster is a pedantic animal and will not tolerate disorder around.

The ideal clothes for a woman on New Year's Eve will be a bright red or burgundy dress or a golden skirt with a red sweater or blouse. As for men, they can safely flaunt their best red shirt, which goes well with a watch with a gilded strap and light-colored trousers. Home decorations and Christmas tree decorations should be dominated by red, green and blue colors. For example, you can decorate the Christmas tree with colorful balls and toys of the appropriate shades, and add festive tinsel to the surrounding interior.

What should be the menu for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster

As for what should be the menu for the New Year 2017 of the Fire Rooster, then harmony and order should also reign in everything. Start preparing for the celebration with the right table setting. Lay a white, gold, or pink tablecloth. Use a set made from natural materials such as glass, wood or clay. Do not forget to place a vase or a dish with sprouted grains in the center of the table - the Red Rooster will definitely appreciate such a donation.

The Fire Rooster is very fond of natural and healthy products, so be sure to include fresh fruits and berries in the New Year's menu. Light vegetable salads will become another table decoration. If you prefer Olivier and other meat salads, it is better to season them with homemade mayonnaise. Avoid chicken dishes so as not to "piss off" the Rooster. Fish dishes and even so beloved by many sushi, which are highly valued in the homeland of the Red Rooster, will be ideal for serving.

In the New Year 2017, do not overdo it with alcohol. Champagne, wines and spirits are quite welcome, but the pedantic and strict Fire Rooster dislikes those who frivolously approach their sobriety and lose concentration. Celebrate the New Year with joy, make wishes, ask for help and support from the wise and strict Rooster, and he will definitely turn his attention to you.
