No wedding celebration is complete without witnesses. This couple accompanies the newlyweds throughout the day and helps them a lot. The newlyweds also have to provide help during the banquet, when witnesses now and then participate in various competitions - they return the occupied places, then they win back the stolen shoe, then they save the kidnapped bride. Therefore, in the arsenal of each toastmaster there is a couple of contests for witnesses.

Trick contests
Egg. If you choose the most extreme option, then you should take a raw chicken egg and invite the witnesses to take turns rolling it through the clothes - the pants from the groom's friend and the blouse or dress from the girlfriend of the bride. If you feel sorry for the wardrobe of the witnesses, which can be damaged in case of awkward movement, the egg can be replaced with a table tennis ball.
Candies. A witness is placed on several chairs, sweets are scattered over her, one is placed on her lips. The witness is invited to collect all the pastries without using his hands. There is a more tricky version of this competition: the witness is laid on chairs, while the witness is blindfolded, the witness is replaced with any male guest and delicacies are scattered over his body. An unsuspecting bystander is also offered hands-free picking of candy.
Clothespins. More than 10 clothespins are clinging to the clothes of the witnesses, the participants are blindfolded and offered to touch, under the stormy approval of the audience, to collect everything fastened.
Decent contests
Nuts. Several nuts are laid out on two chairs for the participants and covered with a towel. The witnesses are invited to sit on chairs and guess how many nuts the presenter put.
Bloomers: Witnesses are given wide trousers with an elastic band, slightly inflated small balloons are scattered around the playground. The competitors will have to collect as many balls as possible into their trousers without using hands.
Detectives. Five small objects are hidden in the clothes of two guests, the list of the "missing" is announced to witnesses. They need to find all the things. Otherwise, fulfill the wishes of the newlyweds forfeits. It can be: a toast, an incendiary dance with a blindfold, and others.
Firefighters. Two chairs are placed at a distance from each other, back to back, jackets with twisted sleeves are hung on them, a rope is placed under the chairs. Competitors are invited to run around their chair, turn out their sleeves, put on a jacket, fasten with all buttons or zippers, sit on a chair and pull the rope, whoever will be the first will win.
Do you know. Verification of witnesses for knowledge of interests, preferences, hobbies and facts of the biography of the spouses. The toastmaster takes turns asking the witness about the bride, and the witness about the groom. Options for questions:
1) What is the name of the bride's father?
2) Favorite dish of the bride?
3) How old is the pet of the bride? and similar;
1) The groom's first car?
2) In which troops did the groom serve?
3) What brand of phone does the groom have?
In case of incorrect answers, the witnesses are invited to complete the penalty tasks.