Gifts in a person's life are a small piece of happiness that he invented himself. And therefore, his choice should be taken seriously. There are a lot of options for a gift, therefore, without knowing a person's preferences, it is quite difficult to predict what he needs. If you have picked up a gift, and the person simply does not need it or simply does not like it, then you can undermine his mood for the whole holiday.

Step 1
If a person loves books, then the choice, of course, is obvious, but there is no need to rush here either. All your imagination is needed here: drop all the platitudes. You can choose a literary diary for a book lover, which you make with your own hands. Choose a beautiful notebook, carefully draw it into columns and give them names, for example: "Author", "title of the novel, story", "my impressions". Or choose a set of beautiful and original bookmarks for him. No, not those that cost 5 rubles and are made of cardboard, but real ones, beautifully painted and made of metal. But all this will be just a small supplement to the present gift. When choosing a book, try not to purchase fiction, as a person may have a limited taste in this genre, it is better to find an original encyclopedia, such as: "Why does an elephant have a big trunk, and 200 more questions that scientists will not answer."
Step 2
If the birthday girl is a girl, then giving her a banal set of gels and shampoos will not be extremely aesthetically pleasing, since she may think that such a gift means a certain hint. Better to be original and give her a book about fashion and new trends. You can also donate a French pedicure / manicure set. You can also donate things, but not buy in a store, but order from a catalog - rest assured, a fashionista will appreciate it.
Step 3
If the birthday person is an athlete, then it is better to give them sports equipment. Any ball for both football and volleyball will do. Cyclists can be gifted fingerless gloves. For those who are involved in athletics, you can give dumbbells. If a girl is enthusiastically engaged in dancing, then she can be presented with leggings. A sports-related T-shirt and a sports backpack are also good gifts.
Step 4
You can also donate a photo. There are plenty of photo salons, thank God, and their services are quite interesting and original. You can print a photo of the birthday person on a mug, on a T-shirt.
Step 5
When choosing a gift, do not forget that there are people who do not want anything. Here you are already free to choose a gift yourself. You can donate a good DVD with a new movie. You can order an originally made flash drive via the Internet, buy movie tickets for the hit of the season - turn on your imagination!