How To Keep Your Tree Fresh

How To Keep Your Tree Fresh
How To Keep Your Tree Fresh

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Choosing and decorating a Christmas tree is a tradition of the most wonderful holiday - the New Year. Everyone wants to preserve the green beauty as long as possible, delighting the eyes with the glitter of tinsel and the smell of pine needles. In order for an elegant tree to have its original appearance before the old New Year, you must follow a few simple rules.

How to keep your tree fresh
How to keep your tree fresh


Step 1

When buying a Christmas tree, pay attention to its trunk. It should be thick and covered with needles like twigs. The branches should be frequent, easy to bend and not break. The needles should be dark green, not yellowish or brown. In order not to damage the tree during transportation, the branches must be pressed against the trunk and tied with a rope.

Step 2

You should not immediately bring the tree into the house, let it acclimatize a little, stand in the entrance or on the balcony. A forest beauty, accustomed to winter, will feel uncomfortable with a central heating battery. In a warm place, the Christmas tree will quickly turn bald.

Step 3

If you do not plan to place the tree for a few days, leave it on the balcony, wrapped in paper beforehand. As soon as it is time to dress it up, bring it home, but do not unfold it right away, let the tree gradually get used to the warmth.

Step 4

Before decorating the tree, knock it on the floor so that dead needles fall off. After that, chop off the lower branches and update the lower cut of the trunk. Place the tree in a container of sand, add water to it. Keep the sand moist at all times. This will help keep the tree looking fresh. You can put the tree in a pot or bucket of water, or wrap the trunk with several layers of cloth, or better with gauze. It also needs to be constantly wetted.

Step 5

In order for the tree to last longer, it is necessary to provide it with effective nutrition. To do this, remove the bark a few centimeters from the bottom of the trunk and make an oblique cut. The sand or water level should be above the bare trunk.

Step 6

You can extend the life of the tree by adding glycerin to the water where it costs (1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water). To prevent the needles from crumbling, you can add a tablespoon of sugar and a little table salt to the water. An aspirin tablet diluted in water will help preserve the beauty of the tree. Aspirin, being an antiseptic, prevents bacteria from destroying the trunk. To keep the spruce needles looking fresh, it is recommended to periodically spray them with a spray bottle.
