Choosing a bride, matchmaking is a very serious and responsible business. Previously, at the family council they decided which girl would be a wife. A lot was taken into account: the bride's appearance, physical strength, ability to work, respect for elders, modesty, origin. Even today, traditional negotiations about a possible wedding must be carried out subject to certain rules.

Step 1
Schedule matchmaking on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday. Russian people in the old days considered these days "easy".
Step 2
Conduct a conversation with matchmakers according to a long-established pattern. For example:
- Do you have any corrupt pigs?
- There is not!
- And the girls?
- There is one, but to myself!
True, current matchmakers often directly inform about the purpose of their visit.
Step 3
Thank the matchmakers for their attention and respect, and invite them to the laid table. Treats on the table should be generous and festive, whether you agree to the wedding or not. This is the Russian custom. It is no coincidence that there is a proverb in the Russian language: "A thin groom will show a good way."
Step 4
Remember that according to ancient customs, the girl is not present at the matchmaking. Ask for some time to think if you are unhappy with the offer for some reason or if you need time to find out more about the groom's family.
Step 5
Even if the bride's parents are satisfied with everything in the future groom, according to the rules of wedding etiquette, he should not immediately agree. You need to take at least a symbolic time to think. Before giving consent, the bride's father asks for the opinion of all family members. Then he is invited to the room where the matchmakers and the daughter-bride are. They ask her consent to the marriage.
Step 6
Refuse always politely and delicately, do not offend either the groom or his relatives.
Step 7
Invite the matchmakers to visit your home again if you agree to marry your daughter. On the second visit, the bride-to-be takes part in the matchmaking ceremony. The groom must present bouquets of flowers to the bride and her mother.
Step 8
With the consent of the parents to the daughter's marriage, her father must put the daughter's right hand in the groom's hand. It is customary to seal the collusion with a gift to the bride.
Step 9
Visit the groom's parents if they were not present at the matchmaking. The groom must formally introduce his bride to her parents.
Step 10
Set up an engagement date. The engagement is attended by the parents of both the groom and the bride. It is at the engagement that the details of the future wedding are discussed, negotiations are underway about the dowry, the costs, the number of guests on both sides.
Step 11
Remember that the bride's parents provide her with a dowry. According to the rules, the groom should buy a dress, shoes, a ring for the future wife.