It is a great honor to be invited to a wedding. This means that the young couple wants to share their first family holiday with you. When preparing to make a toast to the newlyweds, it is a good idea to remember a few rules of "congratulatory" etiquette.

Step 1
The more guests, the shorter the toast. By tradition, speeches are made in the order of the speaker's closeness to the young: first, parents speak, then older relatives, brothers and sisters, close friends, colleagues. At a celebration with a large number of invitees, guests may not be provided with a microphone for public congratulations if they are not in the closest circle. Do not be discouraged, approach the newlyweds during one of the breaks in the holiday program and say your wishes.
Step 2
The higher the degree of the audience, the less formal the toast sounds. By the second or third hour of the banquet, all the "official" words - happiness, health, material well-being, more children - have already been said. When the turn comes to make a speech, congratulate the newlyweds unexpectedly and with humor, then the words will be remembered by the heroes of the occasion and guests.
Step 3
Don't repeat yourself. Sometimes orators like successful toasts and congratulatory poems so much that they try to show them off at every event. Respect the next newlyweds in a large social circle by choosing words for them personally.
Step 4
Do not add a fly in the ointment. The older generation especially loves to warn about problems, to warn about the difficulties and hardships awaiting a couple. Of course, experienced relatives know better the pitfalls of marriage, but a solemn day is not the time to remember them. Withstand the wish exclusively in positive tones.