Nauryz is one of the oldest holidays on Earth. Under various names, it has existed for more than five thousand years as a celebration of spring and the renewal of nature and is celebrated on March 22, the day of the spring solstice. The Kazakh name "Nauryz" is associated with the Iranian New Years holiday Navruz, after which the whole month of March was called. In 1926, the holiday was canceled as a relic of the past and was not celebrated until 1991, when by the Decree of the President of the Kazakh SSR, March 22 was again recognized as a holiday.

Step 1
Other names for Nauryz are Nauryz meiramy, Ulus day, Tajik Gulgardon and gulnavruz, Tatar Nardugan. The ancient Greeks called him Patrich. The celebration of the spring solstice is based on a love of nature. On this day, she was renewed, "resurrected", woke up from a winter sleep.
Step 2
According to legend, the more generously Nauryz is celebrated, the richer the harvest will be, and the more prosperous the whole year. Therefore, on the eve of the holiday, a general cleaning of the house is done, the entire household is put in order. All containers are filled with edible milk, ayran, grain, water. On this day, everyone tries to stay in a good mood, hug friends and loved ones, wished each other all the best.
Step 3
Nauryz comes at dawn, so no one sleeps by the time of sunrise. All the people go to the previously found spring with shovels and clear its source. After that, the planting of trees begins. From this custom, sayings have come about: "Cut down a tree - plant ten", "Let a tree remain in the memory of a person, rather than a flock."
Step 4
After that, three barkers in bright costumes walk around the streets, squares and courtyards, inviting people to the holiday. Barkers often take the image of fairy-tale characters: Aldar Kose, Zhirenshe, Karashash. Then the fun begins.
Step 5
Fights serve as entertainment, including men with women. A girl could challenge a horseman to a duel, in which her hand and heart on the one hand and his obedience and complete obedience on the other were at stake. There were also competitions in tongue twisters and riddles, played in Aikysh-uykysh, Audary-spec. Treats are generously distributed - a symbol of prosperity in the coming year.
Step 6
The bull is slaughtered at noon. Bel-koterer is made from its meat.
Step 7
After midday prayer, the mullah reads prayers to the ancestors, and the eldest family member blesses the household in order to preserve the well-being in the house. The number seven must be present at the holiday: seven bowls with Nauryz-kozhe made from seven varieties of seven types of cereals were placed in front of aksakals, seven ingredients in dishes, etc.
Step 8
In the evening, until the sun sets, two akyns compete in songs and verses in front of the whole people. After that, people light torches, go around the whole city dancing, singing and laughing.