When preparing a holiday, the main focus is on the festive table. Therefore, in most families, the holidays are the same - they eat, watch TV, have fun. For the holiday to be remembered and distinguished from other similar days, you need to think about how to nourish the souls of the participants.

Step 1
Choose a theme for the holiday. Any solemn day can be focused on a narrow topic related to spiritual values. The family will unite around them. Such topics can be: beauty, strength, goodness, joy, and so on.
Step 2
Make a list of heroes that you can take an example from in the chosen topic. Alexander Suvorov is a hero in the theme of "purposefulness". King Solomon exemplifies the topic of wisdom. The larger the list, the better.
Step 3
Distribute roles among the participants of the holiday. Have everyone choose one hero from the list. If you make a "secret choice" so that the participants do not know about each other's heroes, the holiday will turn out to be more interesting.
Step 4
Find the right materials. Books, poems, songs were written about famous people. There are historical data in encyclopedias. Find materials that reflect the theme of the event. Let everyone search for their hero.
Step 5
Conduct rehearsals. Each participant can invite other participants to his program. After all, even a verse about a hero can be read by roles. It is well received when one person reads a poem or story, while another at this time plays a beautiful melody on the guitar. Holiday programs don't have to be complicated to prepare.
Step 6
Come up with costumes. Try to reflect the main theme in them. Change into your hero. This will add personality to the holiday. You will get wonderful photos that you will want to look at for years.
Step 7
List your holiday numbers. The celebration can be attended by people of different ages. So that no one gets tired, agree in advance about the sequence of performances.
Step 8
Have a party. Agree that no one will turn on the TV or computer on this day. Let no one criticize the speakers. Only applause is accepted.