A wedding is one of the happiest events in the life of a man and a woman. And I want her to be remembered for the rest of her life. For this, not only a beautiful holiday is important, but also wishes for the newlyweds.

Feature of wishes for a wedding
If you decide that you don't need to prepare your wedding wishes in advance, think again. A wedding is an event where the excitement is transmitted to everyone, even the strongest guests. Imagine that it’s your turn to say a toast or give a gift, and all the words are confused somewhere.
When you search for the phrase "wishes for newlyweds", there are so many results that you can get lost in them. And it's easy to get confused - one site offers a lot of poems, another - toasts, the third - tips on how to write a congratulation yourself. For your wishes to the young, sincerity is very important, no matter what you choose - a quatrain spied on the Internet or your own written words. After all, for newlyweds, a wedding is the main holiday, and they want to hear only kind and sincere wishes.
So what is the best thing to wish for? The most neutral wishes will be about happiness, a peaceful life, long years together, joy, harmony, love, about how to overcome difficulties and hardships together. It is important to emphasize the moment that the newlyweds will always be together, they will not part.
Tip: make your congratulations not very long, so that it is better remembered and perceived. You can also write it by hand or print it out so that the bride and groom keep it.
And, of course, everyone wants to say something unbroken and original. But originality lies not only in words, but also in how to present them. Even simple wishes for “happiness, love and long years together” will look completely different, written in your own hand on a beautiful postcard with the signature of the one who congratulates. If you are a creative person, then you can make a postcard yourself or arrange a congratulation to your taste.
Examples of congratulations
So, you are in the mood to choose your congratulations to the young couple. As mentioned above, there can be several types of wishes: a toast, a poem, a saying, and even an anecdote.
Tip: find out in advance the details of the wedding. Perhaps the newlyweds will be against exclamations "bitter". Or they are not going to have children. In this case, wishes for a large family will be inappropriate.
Often at a wedding, the bride and groom's witnesses walk around the guests and offer them to wish something to the new family. Here are some examples of congratulations:
“There is light in the eyes of love and happiness!
Labor - to the groom, comfort - to the bride …
You go for many long years
In life we are inseparable together!"
"Congratulating the newlyweds on their wedding day, I want to recall the words of one writer:" A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short. " Let your life together be a long tender conversation of your hearts."
“I wish you never feel lonely, because today you have ceased to be that way. Keep this feeling forever in your life, remember your love story, fall in love with each other every day and do not let adversity and difficulties sink your ship of love."