How To Swim In The Ice Hole For Epiphany

How To Swim In The Ice Hole For Epiphany
How To Swim In The Ice Hole For Epiphany

During the traditional procession, the clergy bless the water in the reservoirs, and the believers get the opportunity to wash their bodies with “holy” water. Is it possible for everyone to plunge into the ice hole for Epiphany and how to prepare for the “diving” in order to heal and strengthen the spirit, and not get injured or hypothermic? What to take with you to the ice hole, with what diseases is it categorically impossible to immerse yourself in ice water?

How to swim in the ice hole for Epiphany
How to swim in the ice hole for Epiphany

Is it obligatory to "dive" into the icy water?

Consecration with water can only be carried out by a clergyman of the Church. The ceremony is preceded by the reading of the appropriate prayers and the immersion of the cross in the "Jordan", in the water. On the days of the Baptism of the Lord, all the water becomes holy and is used by the Orthodox for healing, prayer and strengthening of the spirit. It is important to remember that complete ablution with holy water is certainly part of the tradition, but it is not necessary to immerse yourself in the hole completely.

The Church explains that washing in an ice-hole is not the duty of believers, people should touch the holy water according to their strength, for example, it is enough for the weak and sick people to scoop up water and wash themselves, and immersing their whole body in the cold water of a reservoir is permissible only for the most courageous.


To "Jordan", ice-holes in the shape of a cross, you need to come up with non-slip shoes (slippers, slates) or woolen socks. Walking barefoot in the snow can injure your feet or cause numbness in your feet. Women are allowed to plunge into a swimsuit or a simple long linen shirt. Men can dive in swimming trunks or underwear. From home you need to bring a large towel, a warm bathrobe and a set of dry linen. It is also advisable to grab hot tea in a thermos, preferably with honey.

There is no need to rush to the hole, it is important to remember that the path can be slippery, so you need to step slowly and carefully. Before diving into the water, it is advised to do a few warm-up movements, such as squats, swings, or bends.

Fundamental rules

1. It is allowed to dive only in specially cut ice holes, the so-called "Jordan". The hole should be close to the shore, it is desirable that lifeguards are on duty nearby. The help of a rescuer will be invaluable if someone suddenly becomes ill from a temperature drop or begins to pull under the water.

2. The steps of the ladder must be stable, and the ladder itself must be firmly anchored. For safety net, it is better if a rope with knots hangs over Jordan. It is needed so that plunging people can hold on to it.

3. You can plunge up to your neck, but if your health permits, you can plunge three times with your head. After the believers read the prayer "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!" and are baptized three times

4. "Diving" forward with the head is prohibited. You need to enter the water gradually, keeping your body upright. Displacement of the body can provoke an impact on the ice edge.

5. The total time spent in cold water should not exceed 2 minutes. Otherwise, it is easy to get hypothermia of the body, especially if dipped head-first, as this causes a lot of heat loss.

6. After exiting the hole, it is important to thoroughly rub the body with a towel, wipe dry and change into woolen clothes.


Swimming in an ice-hole, like an extreme procedure, has contraindications. So, it is strictly forbidden to plunge into ice water if a person is sick with acute respiratory viral diseases, is in a feverish or alcoholic state. Individuals with diseases of the heart, cardiovascular system, central nervous system and chronic endocrinological diseases are also contraindicated in full immersion in a winter ice hole.
