New Year is a holiday that both children and adults love, because with the smell of a Christmas tree and tangerines, a real Miracle enters every home. Therefore, everyone really wants the magical New Year's Eve to be truly fun and bright and be remembered for a long time.

Step 1
Try to make even the anticipation of the holiday fill your soul with joy and fun. It’s not scary if something doesn’t work out the way you would like or if you don’t have time to do something, the main thing is to enjoy the fact that the most magical night of the year is about to come. Create a festive mood yourself.
Step 2
Decorate the house with tinsel, garlands and serpentine, attach snowflakes to the windows or draw real "frosty" patterns on them with paints, special means (this will require "artificial snow" in cans, which is sold in many stores before the New Year) or tooth powder. Among the pre-holiday whirlwind, find time to watch your favorite New Year's movie or cartoon, especially since such viewing can be combined with cleaning or cooking treats.
Step 3
Regardless of how you are going to celebrate the New Year - in a narrow family circle or in a large company of guests, try to return to childhood at least for a while. Remember what attracted you to this holiday many years ago? Waiting for gifts, funny games, dressing up, jokes and laughter … So what prevents to bring all this to life now? For example, organize a fun masquerade (just do not forget to warn all guests in advance), come up with original costumes for yourself and your family members, as well as small accessories in the form of tails, horns, caps and masks for those who come without a costume. Believe me, even the most adult uncles and aunts, at first skeptical about all kinds of dressing, will laugh and rejoice like children.
Step 4
When choosing a costume, show your imagination, because the more unexpected, the more fun! An old sheet can make an excellent Ghost costume (just like Carlson's), a sheepskin coat, dressed with fur outside, will help turn into a monster (a wolf, a bear - depending on the situation), shiny rain will come in handy for the boa and tails … The main thing is to start, and then and the rest will begin to gush with ideas, and everyone's fun is guaranteed.
Step 5
After sitting at the table, listening to the President's speech and closing your glasses, go outside. Immediately after the onset of the New Year, the streets are filled with cheerfulness, fireworks soar up everywhere, even strangers smile warmly at each other and congratulate them on the holiday. And if the weather, moreover, swells with snow and frost, then be sure to grab a sled and do not forget about gloves, which are very useful for playing snowballs and felting in the snow. You should not think that such a pastime is the lot of children, believe me, adults get an equal charge of fun, cheerfulness and optimism from such games.
Step 6
After returning home and having a little snack, do not sit in front of the TV - organize incendiary dances or play fun games. And, of course, don't forget about the gifts! You can invite a "real" Santa Claus (it can be either a professional artist or a disguised relative or neighbor) - for everyone present, the appearance of a kind grandfather with a bag of gifts will cause joy and surprise. Or you can discreetly put presents under the tree before the walk (leave the house later than everyone else).