New Year's Eve on Red Square - such a celebration can hardly be called trivial. However, it often happens that people who decide to celebrate the New Year on the main square of the country cannot do this. The specialists drew up their instructions on how not to turn home on December 31, before reaching Red Square.

Making a wish under the chimes - what could be more interesting, exciting and romantic. In fact, more often it turns out that the square is already occupied by crowds of visitors, or even completely closed, it is cold to stand on the street, the inspection procedure, the ban on the import of alcohol, etc. In order not to be disappointed and to meet the holiday properly, you need to carefully prepare.
If someone you know has already tried such a quest, ask them about all the pitfalls. You can also further study thematic forums to develop your own tactics of behavior.
What to wear
Of course, in order not to turn into an icicle and not spend the first days of the holiday weekend in bed with a temperature, you need to dress warmly. You will have to forget about ballroom dresses, which are worn with pleasure at home. On the street, so on the street. This means warm pants or tights. Alternatively, leggings will do. Be sure to have a warm down jacket and a hat or headscarf. Do not forget about gloves, because if your hands freeze when you need to set fire to the sparkler, there will be little pleasant in this.
But it is better to refuse fur coats and expensive sheepskin coats. After all, there is too much concentration of people on the square, and you can easily ruin your outerwear with a sparkler, a firecracker or juices.
What time to come
What time to gather for the New Year is one of the most important questions. After all, if you decide to go there at the last moment, you risk simply not getting there. Therefore, it is usually recommended to pull up hours by 9pm. So you will have every chance to take a good place and go through all the cordons, of which there may be 3 or more.
It should be borne in mind that the metro adjacent to Red Square will be closed, so it will take 2-3 stations to get there, which is the same time.
Food and drink
What a New Year without a feast. It doesn't matter that the celebration takes place in the heart of the country. An outdoor picnic is even more interesting and fun. However, it is worth remembering that there are a number of restrictions that must be observed. So, for example, you cannot carry anything in a glass container. Accordingly, the alcohol had to be poured into plastic. And it's not a fact that you will be allowed to bring it into the square.
All food should be prepared in advance - sandwiches are cut, vegetables and fruits are washed. Naturally, it is better not to take salads with you. The best option is to celebrate the New Year on Red Square, and then go home to the festive table.
Fireworks and the striking of the clock
If you still did not manage to get to the square and stayed at Teatralnaya Square or Lubyanka, do not despair. After all, here you can also hear the chimes well and clearly see the fireworks. So just a couple of hundred meters from the square, you can celebrate the holiday unforgettably.
It is better to come to the holiday with the whole company at once, because then it will be simply unrealistic to find there. First, there are too many people. Secondly, as a rule, phones start to work poorly on New Year's Eve.