The Victory Parade on Red Square is one of the most spectacular and solemn events in Russia. The beginning of this tradition was laid by the first parade on June 24, 1945, when the soldiers who won the Second World War marched through the main square of the country. Modern parades are significantly different from the historical one, and they take place on May 9.

Step 1
Preparation for the Victory Parade begins in advance. Several tens of thousands of servicemen take part in it every year. The organizers decide in advance what kind of uniform the troops will be dressed in - ceremonial or field. The action is accompanied by a military band. It usually consists of over a thousand musicians. Despite the fact that every year the organizers strive to bring something new to the celebration, the parade must comply with military protocol.
Step 2
The Victory Parade begins with the formation of troops. At this time, guests take their places. The top officials of the country, representatives of foreign states and veterans of the Great Patriotic War invited to Moscow take their places on the platform of the mausoleum. After that, the National Flag of Russia and the Victory Banner are always brought out. The protocol also defines a piece of music under which all this happens. This is A. Alexandrov's song "The Holy War".
Step 3
The parade is received by the country's defense minister or whoever is currently performing his duties. The parade commander reports to him about the readiness of the troops, then the military leaders go to greet the troops. Now they do it on executive cars. As a rule, this is ZIL-115. At the 1945 Victory Parade G. K. Zhukov and K. K. Rokossovsky was ridden by the troops on white horses. This tradition continued until the mid-60s.
Step 4
After the military leaders have greeted all the troops, the host of the parade reports readiness to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Currently, this function is performed by the President of the Russian Federation. After that, the fanfare gives the signal "Hear everyone," and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief addresses the audience with a welcoming speech. Then the anthem of the Russian Federation is played.
Step 5
The movement of troops begins with the passage of ceremonial calculations. Traditionally, the linemen are the first to go, followed by drummers and banner groups carrying the National Flag, the Victory Banner and the Banner of the Russian Armed Forces. This is followed by a banner company and a guard of honor, consisting of servicemen from three branches of the army.
Step 6
Actually, different units are involved in the passage of the troops. The composition of the participants is changing, but students and teachers of military higher educational institutions, units of different types of troops are mandatory. Previously, veterans participated in the passage of troops, and not only those who fought in the regular army, but also partisans and underground fighters. Now these people of very old age pass through the square in a car or are in honorable spectator places.
Step 7
For officers and soldiers, printing a ceremonial step on the cobblestones, military equipment drives out to Red Square. Usually these are the most modern combat vehicles, but historical tanks or self-propelled guns that participated in hostilities often take part in parades. One of the most spectacular moments of the parade on Red Square is the air show featuring planes and helicopters.
Step 8
The Victory Parade ends with the passage of a military orchestra. Traditionally, in the final part of the celebration, the march "Farewell to the Slav" is performed.